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What’s New, Requests and To Do List

List of New Additions to the Generators

26/04/14 Pathfinder Mythic Templates – Agile, Arcane, Divine, Invincible, Savage
28/04/14 Pathfinder Monster Creator – Added Dodge bonus to AC
29/04/14 Plain Text Version negative to hit does not appear as +- any more just –
08/04/14 Pathfinder NPC Generator fixed problem with attribute bonuses not being recalculated for buffs
19/05/14 Added Druid Archetypes – Green Faith Initiate, Menhir Savant, Mooncaller, Pack Lord, Reincarnated Druid and Storm Druid
20/05/14 Added Druid domains (for when druid has no animal companion)
Upgraded the Pathfinder RPG Encounter Generator to include monster name and template.
21/05/14 – 23/05/14 Added Druid Archetypes Survivor, World walker, Aquatic Druid, Arctic Druid, and Blight Druid
24/05/14 Added Dwarven Defender to the D&D 3.5 NPC Generator
28/05/14 Added Druid Archetypes Cave Druid, Desert Druid, Jungle Druid, Mountain Druid, Plains Druid, Swamp Druid, Tempest Druid, Urban Druid.
04/06/14 Split Pathfinder Spells out of D&D 3.5 selection lists
09/06/14 Added Druid Archetypes Ape Shaman, Bat Shaman, Bear Shaman, Boar Shaman, Dragon Shaman, Eagle Shaman, Lion Shaman, Saurian Shaman, Serpent Shaman, Shark Shaman, Wolf Shaman
18/07/14 Implemented 30 day membership
19/07/2014 Added Monk Archetypes Hamatulatsu Master, Hungry Ghost Monk, Ki Mystic and Maneuver Master.
20/07/2014 Added Monk Archetype Martial Artist
29/07/2014 Added Monk Archetypes Master of Many Styles and Monk of the Empty Hand

Dec 2014 I have been busy adding the Hybrid classes. So far I’ve added:

Arcanist, Bloodrager, Brawler, Hunter, Investigator, Skald and Slayer. Only Shaman, Swashbuckler and Warpriest to go.

July 2015 Added Mythic feats.

Pathfinder New Monsters

Wk 21/04/14
Giant Ash, Giant Desert, Giant Jungle, Girtablilu, Globster, Goblin Snake. Golem, Bone, Golem, Brass, Golem, Cannon
Golem, Fossil, Gorynych, Graveknight, Graven Guardian, Gremlin, Fuath, Grodair, Grootslang, Guecubu, Hellwasp Swarm,
Herd Animal, Antelope, Herd Animal, Elk, Hodag, Hollow Serpent, Huecuva, Humbaba, Hungry Fog, Iku-turso, Jackalwere,
Death’s Head Jellyfish, Sapphire Jellyfish, Jorogumo, Jubjub Bird, Kamadan, Kami Jinushigami, Kami Kodama
Kami Shikigami, Kami Toshigami, Kami Zuishin, Kappa, Kech, Kirin, Kongamato, Kyton Augur, Kyton Eremite,
Kyton Interlocutor, Leshy Fungus, Leshy Gourd
Leshy Leaf, Leshy Seaweed, Linnorm Cairn, Linnorm Fjord, Linnorm Taiga, Linnorm Tor, Lizard Giant Gecko,
Lizard Giant Chameleon, Lukwata.
Maftet, Magmin, Manananggal, Marsupial Kangaroo, Marsupial Thylacine, Megafauna Archelon, Megafauna Baluchitherium, Megafauna Basilosaurus, Megafauna Megalania, Mobogo, Moon-beast
Myceloid, Naga Lunar, Naga Royal, Nephilim, Nixie, Norn, Nuckelavee
Nue, Oni Fire Yai, Oni Ice Yai, Oni Kuwa
11/05/2013 – 15/05/2014
Spirit Oni, Oni Void Yai, Oni Water Yai, Pale Stranger, Parasite Rot Grub Swarm, Parasite Giant Rot Grub, Peri, Phantom Fungus, Plasma Ooze, Popobala, Porcupine, Giant, Pukwudgie, Rakshasa Dandasuka, Rakshasa Maharaja, Rakshasa, Marai, Rakshasa Raktavarna, Rakshasa Tataka, Ratfolk, Rusalka, Sagari, Sargassum Fiend, Sasquatch, Scorpion Deadfall, Scorpion Ghost, Sea Anemone Giant, Sea Bonze, Sea Serpent Deep, Shae, Shinigami, Simurgh, Siyokoy, Skunk, Skunk Giant, Sleipnir, Snake Swarm, Snake Swarm Venomous, Spider Ogre, Sprite, Stymphalidies, Suli, Tanuki, Taotieh, Tatzlwyrm, Terra-cotta Soldier, Thriae Queen, Thriae Seer, Thriae Soldier, Titan Hekatonkheires, Tojanida, Tophet, Troll Jotund, Troll Moss, Trollhound, Tupilaq, Tzitzimitl, Valkyrie, Vanara, Vodyanoi, Voonith, Vulture, Giant Vulture, Wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing, Yithian, Yuki-onna, Zoog, Zuvembie.

Work / to do list

Add all Pathfinder MM3
Add Epic Dragons in D&D 3.5
Add Pathfinder Ultimate Magic Archetypes and Witch Patrons
Create a PC generator for Pathfinder RPG

  1. VonTherodere says:

    Is there any chance of adding beyond 20th level Pathfinder 1e levels? Also, would you ever consider adding third party rules such as Jesse’s Epic Level Pathfinder Handbook? Although I am sure that would be a headache to implement :/

  2. antilles107 says:

    I believe shadow mastiffs should have a tail slap.

  3. Roger Jankowski says:

    No Hook Horror anywhere??

    • admin says:

      I’m afraid the Hook Horror is not OGL material and is under copyright by WOTC so I can’t add it. You can add it yourself though using the Monster Creator tool.

  4. Ueuecoyotl says:

    Made a Psion with the Combat Manifestation feat (+4 to concentration checks). The +4 does not appear to be added to the total (only the level+relevant intelligence score)

  5. Lshreiner says:

    It would be nice if the wilder & soul knife class were applicable to the 3.5 NPC generator… As well as Eberron Races included, particularly the like of Warforged & Khalashtar.

  6. Bill Redford says:

    Sorry my comment is a well of text.

    Swashbuckler seems to be missing precise strike which add the swashbuckler level to damage, with the ability to spend a pnanche point to double that.

    • admin says:

      Thanks for reporting, I’ve added precise strike to the Swashbuckler at 3rd level. I rely on people reporting errors as I don’t use all the classes when I GM.

  7. Bill Redford says:

    Hey for Pathfinder Swashbuckler, Am I missing it, or is Precise Strike not in the class?

    Precise Strike (Ex): At 3rd level, while she has at least 1 panache point, a swashbuckler gains the ability to strike precisely with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon (though not natural weapon attacks), adding her swashbuckler level to the damage dealt. To use this deed, a swashbuckler cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand or use a shield other than a buckler. She can even use this ability with thrown light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, so long as the target is within 30 feet of her. Any creature that is immune to sneak attacks is immune to the additional damage granted by precise strike, and any item or ability that protects a creature from critical hits also protects a creature from the additional damage of a precise strike. This additional damage is precision damage, and isn’t multiplied on a critical hit. As a swift action, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache point to double her precise strike’s damage bonus on the next attack. This benefit must be used before the end of her turn, or it is lost. This deed’s cost cannot be reduced by any ability or effect that reduces the amount of panache points a deed costs (such as the Signature Deed feat).

  8. Ueuecoyotl says:

    I made a pathfinder psion (kineticist) but instead of the initial power of energy ray, far hand, force screen, or my light it offers me the clairsentience power choices of

    also, instead of the 2nd level disciple ability of telekinetic hurl its giving me the clairsentience power of recovered information.

    i tried to make a Seer (clairsentient) to see if they were accidently swapped but that was not the case.

  9. Ghostwheel says:

    Bloodrager isn’t giving bloodline spells. I didn’t test it with every bloodline, but at least 4 of them lack them.

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