What’s New, Requests and To Do List
List of New Additions to the Generators
26/04/14 Pathfinder Mythic Templates – Agile, Arcane, Divine, Invincible, Savage
28/04/14 Pathfinder Monster Creator – Added Dodge bonus to AC
29/04/14 Plain Text Version negative to hit does not appear as +- any more just –
08/04/14 Pathfinder NPC Generator fixed problem with attribute bonuses not being recalculated for buffs
19/05/14 Added Druid Archetypes – Green Faith Initiate, Menhir Savant, Mooncaller, Pack Lord, Reincarnated Druid and Storm Druid
20/05/14 Added Druid domains (for when druid has no animal companion)
Upgraded the Pathfinder RPG Encounter Generator to include monster name and template.
21/05/14 – 23/05/14 Added Druid Archetypes Survivor, World walker, Aquatic Druid, Arctic Druid, and Blight Druid
24/05/14 Added Dwarven Defender to the D&D 3.5 NPC Generator
28/05/14 Added Druid Archetypes Cave Druid, Desert Druid, Jungle Druid, Mountain Druid, Plains Druid, Swamp Druid, Tempest Druid, Urban Druid.
04/06/14 Split Pathfinder Spells out of D&D 3.5 selection lists
09/06/14 Added Druid Archetypes Ape Shaman, Bat Shaman, Bear Shaman, Boar Shaman, Dragon Shaman, Eagle Shaman, Lion Shaman, Saurian Shaman, Serpent Shaman, Shark Shaman, Wolf Shaman
18/07/14 Implemented 30 day membership
19/07/2014 Added Monk Archetypes Hamatulatsu Master, Hungry Ghost Monk, Ki Mystic and Maneuver Master.
20/07/2014 Added Monk Archetype Martial Artist
29/07/2014 Added Monk Archetypes Master of Many Styles and Monk of the Empty Hand
Dec 2014 I have been busy adding the Hybrid classes. So far I’ve added:
Arcanist, Bloodrager, Brawler, Hunter, Investigator, Skald and Slayer. Only Shaman, Swashbuckler and Warpriest to go.
July 2015 Added Mythic feats.
Pathfinder New Monsters
Wk 21/04/14
Giant Ash, Giant Desert, Giant Jungle, Girtablilu, Globster, Goblin Snake. Golem, Bone, Golem, Brass, Golem, Cannon
Golem, Fossil, Gorynych, Graveknight, Graven Guardian, Gremlin, Fuath, Grodair, Grootslang, Guecubu, Hellwasp Swarm,
Herd Animal, Antelope, Herd Animal, Elk, Hodag, Hollow Serpent, Huecuva, Humbaba, Hungry Fog, Iku-turso, Jackalwere,
Death’s Head Jellyfish, Sapphire Jellyfish, Jorogumo, Jubjub Bird, Kamadan, Kami Jinushigami, Kami Kodama
Kami Shikigami, Kami Toshigami, Kami Zuishin, Kappa, Kech, Kirin, Kongamato, Kyton Augur, Kyton Eremite,
Kyton Interlocutor, Leshy Fungus, Leshy Gourd
Leshy Leaf, Leshy Seaweed, Linnorm Cairn, Linnorm Fjord, Linnorm Taiga, Linnorm Tor, Lizard Giant Gecko,
Lizard Giant Chameleon, Lukwata.
Maftet, Magmin, Manananggal, Marsupial Kangaroo, Marsupial Thylacine, Megafauna Archelon, Megafauna Baluchitherium, Megafauna Basilosaurus, Megafauna Megalania, Mobogo, Moon-beast
Myceloid, Naga Lunar, Naga Royal, Nephilim, Nixie, Norn, Nuckelavee
Nue, Oni Fire Yai, Oni Ice Yai, Oni Kuwa
11/05/2013 – 15/05/2014
Spirit Oni, Oni Void Yai, Oni Water Yai, Pale Stranger, Parasite Rot Grub Swarm, Parasite Giant Rot Grub, Peri, Phantom Fungus, Plasma Ooze, Popobala, Porcupine, Giant, Pukwudgie, Rakshasa Dandasuka, Rakshasa Maharaja, Rakshasa, Marai, Rakshasa Raktavarna, Rakshasa Tataka, Ratfolk, Rusalka, Sagari, Sargassum Fiend, Sasquatch, Scorpion Deadfall, Scorpion Ghost, Sea Anemone Giant, Sea Bonze, Sea Serpent Deep, Shae, Shinigami, Simurgh, Siyokoy, Skunk, Skunk Giant, Sleipnir, Snake Swarm, Snake Swarm Venomous, Spider Ogre, Sprite, Stymphalidies, Suli, Tanuki, Taotieh, Tatzlwyrm, Terra-cotta Soldier, Thriae Queen, Thriae Seer, Thriae Soldier, Titan Hekatonkheires, Tojanida, Tophet, Troll Jotund, Troll Moss, Trollhound, Tupilaq, Tzitzimitl, Valkyrie, Vanara, Vodyanoi, Voonith, Vulture, Giant Vulture, Wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing, Yithian, Yuki-onna, Zoog, Zuvembie.
Work / to do list
Add all Pathfinder MM3
Add Epic Dragons in D&D 3.5
Add Pathfinder Ultimate Magic Archetypes and Witch Patrons
Create a PC generator for Pathfinder RPG
Is there any way to add magic items to appear on pulldown menus for 3.5 characters?
Sorry not at present
I use roll20 and import characters into there via Herolab. It would be fantastic if you could generate a herolab .por file here. I know its a big ask but the advantage would be massive.
If you know another way to import characters from here into roll20, that would also be fantastic.
If you use plain text D20SRD to display the character you can then copy and paste this into roll20 using the RollD20 CGEN script, this format can be pastable into the GM notes section on the token to create abilities. You will need a subscription to roll20 to download and use the script.
I so miss the 3.5 Alienist.
So many cool Daemons. If you can please add.
They are already there under Daemon
Thank you so much. My bad I think I was looking under the 3.5 D&D tab. I have caught myself doing that several times already.
Hi, could you possibly add quasits and imps to your NPC generator?
They are under Demon and Devil
Is there any chance of getting a way to create classes and prestige classes?
Not at the moment. There a lot of tables that need to be set up to make classes as many have unique abilities and quite a few require rule changes, so a change of coding is required.
An amazing tool. This is literally saving me hours prepping for Pathfinder. Thank you.
The encounter generator is a bit hard to work,for example if i wanted a hunting party with dogs i would have to generate the humans and the dogs separately, it also looks like there is no way to save encounters
You can save them by edit them and then save on the generator
Hey, this is by far the BEST all-in-one 3.5 tool. I haven’t hit any bugs (“It’s a feature!”). This has saved me hundreds of hours of work. Thanks!
Is it possible to add the Arcane Healer archetype for Bards?
I’ve added the Arcane Healer