Monster Selection by Letter: Monster Aasimar Aatheriexa Abaddon, Gigas Abaia Abhominal Aboleth Abysogh Abyssal Harvester Abyssal Larva Accuser, Devil (Zebub) Achaierai Adaptive Ooze Adaro Addu Adherer Adlet Aeon, Akhana Aeon, Bythos Aeon, Lipika Aeon, Othaos Aeon, Paracletus Aeon, Pleroma Aeon, Synesis Aeon, Theletos Aerial Servant Afanc Agathion, Avoral Agathion, Cervinal Agathion, Cetaceal Agathion, Chelonidal Agathion, Draconal Agathion, Leonal Agathion, Muldnal Agathion, Mustelidal Agathion, Procyal Agathion, Reptial Agathion, Silvanshee Agathion, Vulpinal Ahkhat Ahlinni Ahool Ahuizotl Akaname Akata Akhlut Al-miraj Albino Cave, Solifugid Algoid Alligator Allip Almiraj Alp Alpluachra Alraune Alu-Demon Amarok Ambergrim Ammut Amoeba Swarm Amoeba, Giant Amphiptere Amphisbaena Android Anemone, Great Sea Anemos Angel, Astral Deva Angel, Balisse Angel, Cassisian Angel, Chalkydri Angel, Choral Angel, Empyreal Angel, Empyrean Angel, Erelim Angel, Kuribu Angel, Monadic Deva Angel, Movanic Deva Angel, Ninkonda Angel, Planetar Angel, Solar Anhana Animal Lord, Cat Lord Animal Lord, Mouse Lord Animate Dream Animate Hair Animated Object Animated Object, Colossal Animated Object, Gargantuan Animated Object, Huge Animated Object, large Animated Object, medium Animated Object, small Animated Object, Tiny Animated Tank Ankheg Ankou Annis Hag Ant Lion Ant Lion, Giant Ant Lion, Giant Adult Ant Lion, Mature Ant, Giant Ant, Knight Ant, Megapon Anunnaki Aoandon Apallie Ape Ape, Dire Ape, Gorilla Ape, Megaprimatus Apocalypse Horse, Pale Apocalypse Horse, Red Apocalypse Horse, The Pale Hor Apocalypse Horse, The Red Hors Apocalypse Horse, The White Ho Apocalypse Horse, White Apocalypse Locust Apostasy Wraith Apparition Aquatic Insect, Giant Belostom Aquatic Insect, Giant Hellgram Aranea Arcanoplasm Archdevil, Baalzebul Archdevil, Barbatos Archdevil, Belial Archdevil, Dispater Archdevil, Geryon Archdevil, Mammon Archdevil, Mephistopheles Archdevil, Moloch Archer Bush Archon Swarm, Mote Archon, Exscinder Archon, Gate Archon, Hammer Archon, Harbinger Archon, Hound Archon, Lantern Archon, Legion Archon, Shield Archon, Stag Archon, Star Archon, Trumpet Ardoc Moilant Argus Army Ant Swarm Arrowhawk, Adult Arrowhawk, Elder Arrowhawk, Juvenile Ascomoid Ashen Forgemaster Ashullian Aspidochelone Asrai Assassin Bug, Giant Assassin Bug, Great Assassin vine Astral Deva Angel, Astral Deva Astral Leviathan Astral Shark Asura, Adhukait Asura, Aghasura Asura, Asurendra Asura, Hishandura Asura, Japalisura Asura, Nikaramsa Asura, Tripurasura Asura, Upasunda Asura, Vayuphak Athach Atomie Attic Whisperer Atuikakura Aurumvorax Avernus Razorback Axe Beak Axial Monitor Axiomite Azata, Bralani Azata, Brijidine Azata, Gancanagh Azata, Ghaele Azata, Lillend Azata, Lyrakien Azata, Nualidu Azata, Prydanu Azata, Raelis Azata, Uinuja Azata, Veranallia Azata, Yamah Azer Azgenzak Azruverda Babbler Baboon Baccae Badger Badger, Dire Bagiennik Bagman Bakekujira Baku Baku Dreamweaver Bandersnatch Banelight Banshee Baobhan Sith Baregara Barghest Barghest, Greater Baric Barometz Basavan Basidirond Basilisk Basilisk, Crimson Basilisk, greater Bat Swarm Bat, Dire Bat, Doombat Bat, Mobat Bat, Skaveling Baykok Bear, black Bear, brown Bear, Dire Bear, Dire Polar Bear, Grizzly Bear, polar Bebilith Bedlam Bee, Giant Bee, Giant Queen Beetle, Fire Beetle, Giant Blister Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Death Watch Beetle, Giant Rhinoceros Beetle, Giant Saw-toothed Beetle, Giant Slicer Beetle, Giant Stag Beetle, Giant Water Beetle, Goliath Stag Beetle, Requiem Beetle, Scarab Beetle, Slicer Beetle, Stalk Beheaded Beheaded, Flaming Skull Beheaded, Giant Beheaded, Medusa Head Beheaded, Severed Head Beheaded, Skull Swarm Behemoth, Tempest Behemoth, Thalassic Behemoth, Thunder Behir Belabra Belier, Devil (Bdellavritra) Belker Belostomatid Benaioh Berbalang Bhole Bhuta Biclops Biloko Birelu Bisha Ga Tsuku Bishop, Agathion Bison Black Bear Black Pudding Black Shuck Blackwisp Egret Blast Shadow Blight, Cave Blight, Desert Blight, Forest Blight, Mountain Blight, Sewer Blight, Swamp Blight, Tundra Blightspawn Blindheim Blink dog Blodeuwedd Blood Algae Swarm Blood Bramble Blood Bush Blood Hag Blood Hawk Blood Lily Blood Maize Bloodhaze Mosquito Swarm Bloodplate Burster Bloodsuckle Bloody Bones Blue Boalisk Boar Boar, Dire Bodak Bodythief Bog Creeper Bog Mummy Bog Strider Bogeyman Boggard Boggart Boggle Bogwid Boilborn Bolla Bone Cobbler Bone Priest Bone Ship Boneneedle, Greater Boneneedle, Lesser Bonepowder Ghoul Bonesnapper Bonesucker Bonethorn Bore Worm Monarch Bore Worm Swarm Bore Worm, Empress Boruta Bottled Armada Brain Mole Brain Mole Monarch Brain Ooze Bramble Throne Brambleblight Bramblelash Brass Man Brethedan Brownie Brume Brykolakas Buckawn Bugbear Buggane Bulabar Bulette Bumblebee, Giant Queen Bumblebee, Giant Worker Bunyip Burning Dervish Burstigeit Byakhee Cadaver Calathgar Caller In Darkness Calpina Camel Cameroceras Camulatz Canopy Creeper Capramace Carbuncle Carnivorous Blob Carnivorous Crystal Carrion Crawler Carrion Creeper Carrion Moth Caryatid Column Cat, Cheetah Cat, Leopard Caterpillar, Blood Caterpillar, Horn Caterprism Caterwaul Catfolk Catoblepas Caulborn Caulborn Thoughtkeeper Caulborn, Chrestomath Caustic Stalker Cave Cricket Cave Fisher Cave Leech Cave Moray Cayhound Cecaelia Celedon Centaur Centianima Centipede Swarm Centipede, Giant Centipede, Giant Whiptail Centipede, Titan Cephalophore Ceratioidi Cerberi Cerberi, Malbolgian Cerberus Cerebral Stalker Cerebric Cyst Cerebric Fungus Ceru Cerynitis Cetaceal, Cetaceal Cetacean, Crimson Whale Cetus Chain Worm Chalkost Chaneque Changeling Chaos Beast Charau-Ka Charda Charnel Colossus Charnel God Charybdis Cheetah Chelicerae Chemnosit, The Monarch Worm Chemosit Cherufe Cherum Chicken Chimera Chitikin Choker Choking Shade Choleric Ooze Swarm Chon Chon Chon Chon Swarm Chortov Devil, Chortov Choxani Chronogeist Chrystone Chupacabra Church Grim Chuspiki Chuul Chuul Lesser Chuul, Larval Chyzaedu Cicada Swarm Cicada, Giant Cipactli Clam, Giant Clamor Clawb at, Clawbat Clawbat Cloaker Clockwork Angel Clockwork Assassin Clockwork Brain Gear Clockwork Dragon Clockwork Drone Clockwork Excavator Clockwork Familiar Clockwork Fiend Clockwork Goliath Clockwork Guardian Clockwork Hound Clockwork Leviathan Clockwork Mage Clockwork Nautiloid Clockwork Overseer Clockwork Parasite Clockwork Scout Clockwork Servant Clockwork Soldier Clockwork Spy Clockwork Steed Clockwork Swarm Clockwork Titan Clockwork Vivisectionist Clockwork Warrior Clubnek Cobra Flower Cobra, Adamantine Cockatrice Cockroach Swarm Cockroach, Giant Coffer Corpse Cold Rider Colossus, Flesh Colossus, Iron Colossus, Jade Colossus, Stone Colour Out Of Space Combusted Comozant Wyrd Conqueror Worm Contemplative Contemplative, Enlightened Cooshee Copsewight Coral Capuchin Corbayrant Cordulegaster Cordulegaster, Elder Corpse Candle Corpse Lotus Corpse Orgy Corpse Rook Corpsespinner Couatl Couatl, Xiuh Courage Heart Coven Ooze Crab Swarm Crab, Giant Crab, Monstrous Crab, Shark-Eating Crab, Shipwrecker Crag Man Crawling Hand Crawling Hand, Giant Crayfish, Monstrous Crocodile Crocodile, Dire Crocodile, giant Crocodilian, Deinosuchus Crocodilian, Marine Crocodile Crocodilian, Saltwater Crocodi Crone Queen Cruciarus Crucifixion Spirit Crypt Flower Crypt Thing Cryptguard Crysmal Crystalline Horror Crystallis Cuero Cursed King Cutlass Spider Cyclops Cyclops, Great Cyclops, Kabandha Cynosphinx Cyphergull Cytillipede Daemon, Astradaemon Daemon, Cacodaemon Daemon, Ceustodaemon Daemon, Charon Daemon, Charonodaemon Daemon, Crucidaemon Daemon, Derghodaemon Daemon, Erodaemon Daemon, Genthodaemon Daemon, Guardian Daemon, Hydrodaemon Daemon, Lacridaemon Daemon, Lapsudaemon Daemon, Leukodaemon Daemon, Meladaemon Daemon, Obcisidaemon Daemon, Olethrodaemon Daemon, Phasmadaemon Daemon, Piscodaemon Daemon, Purrodaemon Daemon, Sangudaemon Daemon, Sepsidaemon Daemon, Suspiridaemon Daemon, Temerdaemon Daemon, Thanadaemon Daemon, The Oinodaemon Daemon, Venedaemon Daemon, Vulnudaemon Daitengu Dallo Danse Macabre Danthienne Dark Caller Dark Creeper Dark Dancer Dark Empath Dark Slayer Dark Stalker Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath Darkmantle Darnoc Dawn Piper Death Coach Death Dog Death Worm Deaths Head, Jellyfish Deathsnatcher Deathtrap Ooze Deathweb Decapus Deep One Deep One Hybrid Deep One, Elder Deep Walker Delgeth Delver Demi-lich Demilich Demiurge Demodand, Gristly Demodand, Shaggy Demodand, Slime Demodand, Slimy Demodand, Squamous Demodand, Stringy Demodand, Tarry Demodand, Terry Demon Lord, Baphomet Demon Lord, Beluiri Demon Lord, Caizel Demon Lord, Dagon Demon Lord, Deskari Demon Lord, Fraz-urbluu Demon Lord, Jubilex Demon Lord, Kostchtchie Demon Lord, Maphistal Demon Lord, Nocticula Demon Lord, Orcus Demon Lord, Pazuzu Demon Lord, Shax Demon Lord, Sifkesh Demon Lord, Sonechard Demon Lord, Tsathogga Demon Lord, Vepar Demon Lord, Xoveron Demon, Abrikandilu Demon, Aeshma Demon, Alu-demon Demon, Andrazku Demon, Babau Demon, Balban Demon, Balor Demon, Bebilith Demon, Brimorak Demon, Cambion Demon, Chaaor Demon, Choronzon Demon, Coloxus Demon, Corruptor Azizou Demon, Corruptor Barizou Demon, Corruptor Geruzou Demon, Daraka Demon, Dretch Demon, Gallu- Demon, Ghalzarokh Demon, Gharros Demon, Glabrezu Demon, Greater Ooze Demon, Greruor Demon, Hala Demon, Hezrou Demon, Incubus Demon, Kalavakus Demon, Kalavakus (Horned Demon Demon, Katpaskir Demon, Lesser Ooze Demon, Lilitu Demon, Mallor Demon, Marilith Demon, Mehrim Demon, Mezzalorn Demon, Nabasu Demon, Nabasu Demonling Demon, Nalfeshnee Demon, Nerizo Demon, Nysrock Demon, Omox Demon, Oolioddroo Demon, Painajai Demon, Quasit Demon, Retriever Demon, Schir Demon, Seraptis Demon, Shachath Demon, Shadow Demon, Shemhazian Demon, Shrroth Demon, Skitterdark Demon, Stirge Demon, Succubus Demon, Thoxel Demon, Ulkreth Demon, Vavakia Demon, Vermlek Demon, Vilsteth Demon, Vrock Demon, Vrolikai Demon, Yaenit Demonic Knight Denizen of Leng Derhii Derro Derro Magister Despoiler Destrachan Devil Monkey Devil, Advodaza Devil, Amaimon Devil, Apostate Devil, Barbed Devil, Barbed (Hamatula) Devil, Bdellavritra (Belier) Devil, Bearded Devil, Bearded (Barbazu) Devil, Blood Reaver Devil, Bone Devil, Bone (Osyluth) Devil, Cabal (Uniila) Devil, Chain (Kyton) Devil, Chortov Devil, Contract Devil, Drowning Devil, Erinyes Devil, Executioner Devil, Gambling Devil, Greater Host Devil, Gylou (Handmaiden Devil Devil, Handmaiden Devil, Heresy Devil, Horned Devil, Horned (Cornugon) Devil, Host Devil, Ice Devil, Ice (Gelugon) Devil, Immolation Devil, Imp Devil, Lemure Devil, Lesser Host Devil, Levaloch (Warmonger) Devil, Mnemor Devil, Nemesis Devil, Pit Fiend Devil, Possession (Gidim) Devil, Possession Greater (Gid Devil, Possession Lesser (Gidi Devil, Possession(Great,Gidum) Devil, Rust Devil, Salikotal Devil, Ukobach Devil, Warmonger Devil, Zebub (Accuser Devil) Devilfish Devils Tooth, Giant Devourer Dhampir Digester Digmaul Dimensional Shambler Dinosaur, Allosaurus Dinosaur, Amargasaurus Dinosaur, Ankylosaurus Dinosaur, Brachiosaurus Dinosaur, Ceratosaurus Dinosaur, Compsognathus Dinosaur, Deinonychus Dinosaur, Dimetrodon Dinosaur, Dimorphodon Dinosaur, Diplodocus Dinosaur, Elasmosaurus Dinosaur, Giganotosaurus Dinosaur, Iguanodon Dinosaur, Kentrosaurus Dinosaur, Megaraptor Dinosaur, Pachycephalosaurus Dinosaur, Parasaurolophus Dinosaur, Plesiosaurus Dinosaur, Pteranodon Dinosaur, Quetzalcoatlus Dinosaur, Spinosaurus Dinosaur, Stegosaurus Dinosaur, Styracosaurus Dinosaur, Therizinosaurus Dinosaur, Triceratops Dinosaur, Troodon Dinosaur, Tylosaurus Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Dinosaur, Velociraptor Dire Ape Dire Badger Dire Bear Dire Boar Dire Corby Dire Lion Dire Rat Dire Shark Dire Tiger Dire Weasel Dire Wolf Dire Wolverine Dire, Badger, Disenchanter Displacer beast Div, Aghash Div, Akvan Div, Bushyasta Div, Doru Div, Druj Nasu Div, Ghawwas Div, Pairaka Div, Sepid Div, Shira Divine Guardian Dog Dog, Chelish Hell-Bred Dog, riding Dolphin Dolphin, Orca Donkey Doppeldrek Doppelganger Dorvae Dossenus Dragon Horse Dragon Turtle Dragon, Black Adult Dragon, Black Ancient Dragon, Black Great Wyrm Dragon, Black Juvenile Dragon, Black Mature Adult Dragon, Black Old Dragon, Black Very Old Dragon, Black Very Young Dragon, Black Wyrm Dragon, Black Wyrmling Dragon, Black Young Dragon, Black Young adult Dragon, Blue Adult Dragon, Blue Ancient Dragon, Blue Great Wyrm Dragon, Blue Juvenile Dragon, Blue Mature Adult Dragon, Blue Old Dragon, Blue Very Old Dragon, Blue Very Young Dragon, Blue Wyrm Dragon, Blue Wyrmling Dragon, Blue Young Dragon, Blue Young Adult Dragon, Brass Adult Dragon, Brass Ancient Dragon, Brass Great wyrm Dragon, Brass Juvenile Dragon, Brass Mature adult Dragon, Brass Old Dragon, Brass Very old Dragon, Brass Very young Dragon, Brass Wyrm Dragon, Brass Wyrmling Dragon, Brass Young Dragon, Brass Young Adult Dragon, Bronze Adult Dragon, Bronze Ancient Dragon, Bronze Great Wyrm Dragon, Bronze Juvenile Dragon, Bronze Mature Adult Dragon, Bronze Old Dragon, Bronze Very Old Dragon, Bronze Very Young Dragon, Bronze Wyrm Dragon, Bronze Wyrmling Dragon, Bronze Young Dragon, Bronze Young Adult Dragon, Copper Adult Dragon, Copper Ancient Dragon, Copper Great Wyrm Dragon, Copper Juenile Dragon, Copper Mature Adult Dragon, Copper Old Dragon, Copper Very Old Dragon, Copper Very Young Dragon, Copper Wyrm Dragon, Copper Wyrmling Dragon, Copper Young Dragon, Copper Young Adult Dragon, Faerie Dragon, Forest Adult Dragon, Forest Ancient Dragon, Forest Young Dragon, Gold Adult Dragon, Gold Ancient Dragon, Gold Great Wyrm Dragon, Gold Juvenile Dragon, Gold Mature Adult Dragon, Gold Old Dragon, Gold Very Old Dragon, Gold Very Young Dragon, Gold Wyrm Dragon, Gold Wyrmling Dragon, Gold Young Dragon, Gold Young Adult Dragon, Green Adult Dragon, Green Ancient Dragon, Green Great Wyrm Dragon, Green Juvenile Dragon, Green Mature Adult Dragon, Green Old Dragon, Green Very Old Dragon, Green Very Young Dragon, Green Wyrm Dragon, Green Wyrmling Dragon, Green Young Dragon, Green Young Adult Dragon, Red Adult Dragon, Red Ancient Dragon, Red Great Wyrm Dragon, Red Juvenile Dragon, Red Mature Adult Dragon, Red Old Dragon, Red Very Old Dragon, Red Very Young Dragon, Red Wyrm Dragon, Red Wyrmling Dragon, Red Young Dragon, Red Young Adult Dragon, Sea Adult Dragon, Sea Ancient Dragon, Sea Young Dragon, Silver Adult Dragon, Silver Ancient Dragon, Silver Great Wyrm Dragon, Silver Juvenile Dragon, Silver Mature Adult Dragon, Silver Old Dragon, Silver Very Old Dragon, Silver Very Young Dragon, Silver Wyrm Dragon, Silver Wyrmling Dragon, Silver Young Dragon, Silver Young Adult Dragon, Sky Adult Dragon, Sky Ancient Dragon, Sky Young Dragon, Sovereign Adult Dragon, Sovereign Ancient Dragon, Sovereign Young Dragon, Tidepool Dragon, Underworld Adult Dragon, Underworld Young Dragon, White Adult Dragon, White Ancient Dragon, White Great Wyrm Dragon, White Juvenile Dragon, White Mature Adult Dragon, White Old Dragon, White Very Old Dragon, White Very Young Dragon, White Wyrm Dragon, White Wyrmling Dragon, White Young Dragon, White Young Adult Dragonfly, Giant Dragonfly, Giant Nymph Dragonkin Dragonne Drakainia Drake, Desert Drake, Ether Drake, Flame Drake, Forest Drake, Frost Drake, Jungle Drake, Lava Drake, Mist Drake, Rift Drake, River Drake, Sea Drake, Shadow Drake, Spire Draugr Dreamthief Hag Drekavac Drider, Cleric Drider, Sorcerer Drider, Wizard Drocha Swarm Drow Drow, Noble Dryad Dullahan Duppy Dust Digger Dwarf Dwarf, Duegar Dweomercat Dweomercat Cub Dwiergeth Dybbuk Dziriak Eagle Eagle, Giant Ebon Acolytus Echeneis Ecorche Ectoplasmic Human Eel, Electric Eel, Giant Moray Egophage Egregore Eidolon, Unfettered Einherji Ekekeh Elder Cordulegaster Elder Thing Elder Wyrm Elemental Aether, Elder Elemental Aether, Greater Elemental Aether, Huge Elemental Aether, Large Elemental Aether, Medium Elemental Aether, Small Elemental Air, Elder Elemental Air, Greater Elemental Air, Huge Elemental Air, Large Elemental Air, Medium Elemental Air, Small Elemental Earth, Elder Elemental Earth, Greater Elemental Earth, Huge Elemental Earth, Large Elemental Earth, Medium Elemental Earth, Small Elemental Fire ,Large Elemental Fire, Elder Elemental Fire, Greater Elemental Fire, Huge Elemental Fire, Large Elemental Fire, Medium Elemental Fire, Small Elemental Ice, Elder Elemental Ice, Greater Elemental Ice, Huge Elemental Ice, Large Elemental Ice, Medium Elemental Ice, Small Elemental Lightning, Elder Elemental Lightning, Greater Elemental Lightning, Huge Elemental Lightning, Large Elemental Lightning, Medium Elemental Lightning, Small Elemental Magma, Elder Elemental Magma, Greater Elemental Magma, Huge Elemental Magma, Large Elemental Magma, Medium Elemental Magma, Small Elemental Mud, Elder Elemental Mud, Greater Elemental Mud, Huge Elemental Mud, Large Elemental Mud, Medium Elemental Mud, Small Elemental Water, Elder Elemental Water, Greater Elemental Water, Huge Elemental Water, Large Elemental Water, Medium Elemental Water, Small Elephant Elephant, Mastodon Elf Elf , Aquatic Elf , Sea Elk, Megaloceros Elk, River Elohim Elysian, Titan Emerald Automation Emerald Automaton Emotion Ooze Emperor of Scales Empress Bore Worm Empyreal Lord, Arshea Empyreal Lord, Ashava Empyreal Lord, Black Butterfly Empyreal Lord, Cernunnos Empyreal Lord, Korada Empyreal Lord, Ragathiel Empyreal Lord, Vildeis Encantado Enchanter Heron Ends Voice Enisysian Erlking Erodaemon Escorite Esoteric Dragon Astral Ancient Esoteric Dragon, Astral Adult Esoteric Dragon, Astral Ancien Esoteric Dragon, Astral Young Esoteric Dragon, Dream Adult Esoteric Dragon, Dream Ancient Esoteric Dragon, Dream Young Esoteric Dragon, Etheric Adult Esoteric Dragon, Etheric Ancie Esoteric Dragon, Etheric Young Esoteric Dragon, Nightmare Adu Esoteric Dragon, Nightmare Anc Esoteric Dragon, Nightmare You Esoteric Dragon, Occult Adult Esoteric Dragon, Occult Ancien Esoteric Dragon, Occult Young Estuarine Worm Etiainen Ettercap Ettin Euryale Eurypterid, Bluetip Eurypterid, Common Eurypterid, Spiny Eurypterid, Spitting Exiled Shade Exoskeleton, Giant Cockroach Exploding Skeleton Ez-Azael Faceless Hulk Faceless Stalker Faceless Stalker (Ugothol) Faceless Stalker, (Ugothol) Faceless Whale Fachen Faerie Mount Faerie, Dragon Fallen Familiar, Archaeopteryx Familiar, Bat Familiar, Cat Familiar, Chicken Familiar, Dodo Familiar, Dwarf Caiman Familiar, Flying Fox Familiar, Flying Squirrel Familiar, Fox Familiar, Giant Isopod Familiar, Goat Familiar, Hawk Familiar, Lizard Familiar, Monkey Familiar, Otter Familiar, Owl Familiar, Penguin Familiar, Pig Familiar, Platypus Familiar, Raccoon Familiar, Rat Familiar, Raven Familiar, Red Panda Familiar, Seal Familiar, Sloth Familiar, Toad Familiar, Trilobite Familiar, Tuatara Familiar, Viper Familiar, Weasel Fantionette Fastachee Faun Fear Eater Feargaunt Fen Mauler Feranth Festering Spirit Festrog Fetchling (Kayal) Fext Fey Creature, Fey Giant Toad Firbolg Fire Whale First Blade Fish, Dunkleosteus Fish, Giant Blowfish Fish, Giant Stargazer Fish, Piranha Swarm Fish, Swordfish Fish, Tiger Fish, Varisian Hagfish Flail Snail Flea, Giant Flea, Mammoth Flesh, Colossus Fleshdreg Fleshdreg Swarm Fleshwarp, Ghonhatine Fleshwarp, Grothlut Fleshwarp, Halsora Fleshwarp, Irnakurse Floating Eye Flotsam Terror Flowering Lattice Flumph Fluxwraith Fly, Giant Flying Polyp Flytrap, Giant Foo Creature, Foo Dog Foo Lion Forest Dragon, Adult Forest Dragon, Ancient Forest Dragon, Young Forest, Blight Forlarren Formian Myrmarch Formian Queen Formian Taskmaster Formian Warrior Formian Worker Formless Spawn Forsaken Arbalester Forsaken Defender Forsaken Foot Soldier Fossegrim Freezing Flow Frog Father Frog, Giant Frog, Goliath Frog, Poison Froghemoth Frost Fir Frost Worm Frost, Wight Frostfallen Mammoth Fuldrex Fungal Crawler Fungal Creature Fungus Queen Fungus, Cerebric Gaki Gale Spirit Gallerok Gallowdead Galluvix Galvo Gammenore Gar Gar, Giant Garden Ooze Gare Linnorm Gargiya Gargoyle Gargoyle Guardian Garuda Gashadokuro Gearghost Gegenees Geist Gelatinous Cube Genghryl Genie, Djinni Genie, Efeeti Genie, Efreeti Genie, Janni Genie, Marid Genie, Shaitan Gerbie Ghast Ghelarn Gholdako Ghole Ghorazagh Ghoul Ghoul, Leng Ghul Giant Adult, Ant Lion Giant Ant, Soldier Giant Ant, Worker Giant Bee Giant Belostomatid Giant Bombardier Beetle Giant Fire Beetle Giant Hellgrammite Giant Leech Giant Mosquito Giant Praying Mantis Giant Stag beetle Giant Wasp Giant Wooly Rhino Giant, Leech Giant, Ant Lion Giant, Ash Giant, Cave Giant, Cliff Giant, Cloud Giant, Desert Giant, Eclipse Giant, Fire Giant, Frost Giant, Hill Giant, Jungle Giant, Leech Giant, Marsh Giant, Moon Giant, Mosquito Giant, Mountain Giant, Ocean Giant, Plague Giant, River Giant, Rune Giant, Shadow Giant, Slag Giant, Solifugid Giant, Stone Giant, Storm Giant, Sun Giant, Taiga Giant, Tomb Giant, Vault Giant, Vulture Giant, Wood Gibbering Mouther Gigas Clam Gigas, Hell Girallon Girtablilu Gishvit Gith lords Gith Rogues Glass Sea Urchin, Ginat Gliding Turtle Glimmerhollow Globster Gloomwing Gluttongrass Gnoll Gnome Gnoph-Keh Goblin Goblin Dog Goblin Snake Goezspall Goldpebble Golem, Adamantine Golem, Alchemical Golem, Blood Golem, Bone Golem, Brass Golem, Cannon Golem, Carrion Golem, Clay Golem, Clockwork Golem, Coral Golem, Crystal Golem, Flesh Golem, Fossil Golem, Glass Golem, Gold Golem, Ice Golem, Ioun Golem, Iron Golem, Junk Golem, Lead Golem, Magnetite Golem, Marrowstone Golem, Mithral Golem, Noqual Golem, Obsidian Golem, Panthereon Golem, Quantium Golem, Quintessence Golem, Shadow Golem, Stone Golem, Viridium Golem, Wax Golem, Wood Gorgon Gorilla Ape, Gorilla Gorynych Gowrow Graeae Grand Defender Grassling Gravebound Gravedragger Graven Guardian Gravesludge Gray Gray Goo Gray Ooze Gray Render Great Elder Iuu Great Old One, Atlach-Nacha Great Old One, Bokrug Great Old One, Cthulhu Great Old One, Ghatanothoa Great Old One, Hastur Great Old One, Ithaqua Great Old One, Mordiggian Great Old One, Rhan-Tegoth Great Old One, Tawil Atumr Great Old One, Tsathoggua Great Old One, Xhamen-Dor Great Old One, Yig Greater Verdurous Ooze Green Hag Green Man Gremlin, Drexin Gremlin, Fuath Gremlin, Grimple Gremlin, Haniver Gremlin, Hobkins Gremlin, Jinkin Gremlin, Monaciello Gremlin, Nuglub Gremlin, Nuno Gremlin, Pugwampi Gremlin, Vexgit Grendel Grick Griefgall Griffon Grig Grim Reaper Grim Reaper, Lesser Death Grim Reaper, Minor Grimlock Grimslake Grimstalker Grindylow Grioth Grippli Grisantian Lion Grodair Grootslang Ground Cricket, Giant Ground Wasp Swarm Ground Wasp, Giant Gryph Guardian Dragon Guardian Scroll Guecubu Gug Gunpowder Ooze Hag Eye Ooze Hag, Annis Hag, Blood Hag, Dreamthief Hag, Green Hag, Sea Hag, Storm Hag, Winter Half-Elf Half-Giant Half-Ogre Half-Orc Halfling Hamadryad Handmaiden, Devil (Gylou) Hangman Tree Hanshepsu Harbinger Daemon Harionago Harpy Hawk Heart Thief Heartrot Tree Heikegani Hell Hound Hell Hound, Nessian Hellcat Hellgrammite, Giant Hellwasp Swarm Herald of Armageddon Herd Animal, Antelope Herd Animal, Aurochs Herd Animal, Bison Herd Animal, Camel Herd Animal, Elk Herd Animal, Giraffe Herd Animal, Ram Herd Animal, Stag Herecite Herecite, Of Asmodeus Herne Hippocampus Hippogriff Hippopotamus Hippopotamus, Behemoth Hiracapath Hive Mind Beetle Swarm Hobbe Hound Hobgoblin Hodag Hollow One Hollow Serpent Hollow Serpent, Lesser Homunculus Hooded Harbinger Horla Horse Horse, heavy Horse, light Horse, Pony Horse, Stygian Hot-Blooded Horseman, Apollyon Horseman, Charon Horseman, Szuriel Horseman, Trelmarixian Hound of Tindalos House Spirit, Domovoi House Spirit, Dvorovoi House Spirit, Ovinnik Howler Huecuva Huldra Human Humbaba Hundun Hungry Flesh Hungry Fog Hunting Horror Hupia Hyakume Hyaleth Hydra Hydra Eleven-Headed Hydra Five-Headed Hyena Hyena, Dire Hypnalis Ib Shade Ichthyocentaur Idol, Bone Idol, Jade Idol, Stone Idol, Wood Ifestus Ifrit Ijiraq Ikelos Iku-turso Immolation, Devil (Puragaus) Immortal Ichor Impaler Shrike Impundulu Incutilis Indarugant Inevitable, Arbiter Inevitable, Hykariut Inevitable, Impariut Inevitable, Kastamut Inevitable, Kolyarut Inevitable, Lhaksharut Inevitable, Marut Inevitable, Yarahkut Inevitable, Zelekhut Inkanyamba Intellect Devourer Invisible Stalker Irlgaunt Irminsul Iron Cobra Iron Ghoul Iron Rhinoceros Iron Sentinel Ironfang Legion Beastmaster Tr Ironfang Legion Grenadier Troo Ironfang Legion Hobgoblin Troo Ironfang Magehunter Troop Ironfang Siege Alchemist Troop Ironfang Yzobu Rider Troop Irradiated Dead Isitoq Isonade Ivory Sentinel Ixion Worm Jabberwock Jack-O-Lantern Jackalwere Jellyfish Swarm Jellyfish, Crimson Jellyfish, Giant Jellyfish, Sapphire Jellyfish, Whaler Jinmenju Jorogumo Jubjub Bird Juggernaut Julunggali Jyoti Kaiju, Agyra Kaiju, Bezravnis Kaiju, Mogaru Kaiju, Varklops Kaiju, Vorgozen Kaiju, Yarthoon Kakuen-taka Kamadan Kamaitachi Kami, Dosojin Kami, Fukujin Kami, Jinushigami Kami, Kaminari Kami, Kodama Kami, Shikigami Kami, Suijin Kami, Toshigami Kami, Zuishin Kappa Kapre Karkadann Karkinoi Kasatha Kasthezvi Kawa Akago Kech Keeper Of The Yellow Sign Kelpie Kelpies Wrath Kerakinsi Ketesthius Khaei Khala Khardajeen Kijimuna Kikimora Kikituk Kirin Kitsune Kobold Kokogiak Kongamato Korir-kokembe Korred Kraken Krampus Kravyad Krenshar Kronosaurus Kudimmu Kuo-toa Kurobozu Kurshu The Undying Kuru Kyton Kyton Demagogue, Inkariax Kyton, Apocrisiarius Kyton, Augur Kyton, Cantor Kyton, Ephialtes Kyton, Eremite Kyton, Interlocutor Kyton, Libitinarii Kyton, Oitos Kyton, Ostiarius Kyton, Phylacator Kyton, Sacristan Kyton, Termagant Labyrinth Minotaur Lamhigyn Lamia Lamia Matriarch Lamia, Seeded Creature Lammasu Lamp Blighter Lampad Lar Larva Of The Outer Gods Latten Mechanism Lava Lurker Leaf Ray Leanan Sidhe Leech Swarm Leech, Giant Leechroot Legion, Archon Leng Hound Leng Spider Leopard Leprechaun Leshy, Cactus Leshy, Flytrap Leshy, Fungus Leshy, Gourd Leshy, Leaf Leshy, Lichen Leshy, Lotus Leshy, Seaweed Leshy, Snapdragon Leshy, Sunflower Leucrotta Liavaran Dreamer Lich Newt Liminal Sprite Linnorm, Cairn Linnorm, Crag Linnorm, Fjord Linnorm, Ice Linnorm, Sea Linnorm, Taiga Linnorm, Tarn Linnorm, Tor Lion Lion, Dire Litanu Living Cave Painting Living Doldrums Living Effigy Living Mirage Living Rune Living Sandstorm Living Topiary Living Wall Lizard, Giant Chameleon Lizard, Giant Frilled Lizard, Giant Gecko Lizard, monitor Lizardfolk Llorona Locathah Locust Swarm Locust, Giant Lorelei Lorthact Lotus Tree Lovelorn Lukwata Lunarma Lurker In Light Lurking Ray, Executioners Hood Lurking Ray, Lurker Above Lurking Ray, Trapper Lusca Lythirium Maenad Maftet Maggot, Giant Magma Ooze Magmin Man-Eating Animal Manananggal Manasaputra, Maharishi Manu Manasaputra, Manu Manasaputra, Rishi Manu Manasaputra, Twilight Pitri Mandragora Manitou Manta Ray Manticore Mantis, Deadly Mantis, Giant Mapinguari Marax Marsupial, Kangaroo Marsupial, Thylacine Mederach Medusa Megafauna, Archelon Megafauna, Arsinoitherium Megafauna, Baluchitherium Megafauna, Basilosaurus Megafauna, Brontotherium Megafauna, Chalicotherium Megafauna, Deinotherium Megafauna, Elasmotherium Megafauna, Embolotherium Megafauna, Gylptodon Megafauna, Kaprosuchus Megafauna, Megalania Megafauna, Megaloceros Megafauna, Megatherium Megafauna, Moa Megafauna, Titanoboa Megafauna, Uintatherium Megapiranha, Swarm Melancholic Ooze Swarm Melfesh Monster Mephit Mephit, Air Mephit, Dust Mephit, Earth Mephit, Fire Mephit, Ice Mephit, Lightning Mephit, Magma Mephit, Ooze Mephit, Salt Mephit, Smoke Mephit, Steam Mephit, Water Mercane Merfolk Merfolk, Deep Merlucent Merrow, Freshwater Merrow, Saltwater Mezlan Mi-Go Mihstu Mimic Mimic Ooze Mind Eater Mindslaver Mold Mindspin Ram Minotaur Mire Nettle Mirror Man Mirror Serpent Misery, Siktempora Mite Mngwa Mobogo Mockingfey Mohrg Mokele-Mbembe Moldwretch Mome Rath Mongrel Giant Mongrelman Monkey Monstrous Centipede, Colossal Monstrous Centipede, Gargantua Monstrous Centipede, Huge Monstrous Centipede, large Monstrous Centipede, Medium Monstrous Scorpion, Colossal Monstrous Scorpion, Gargantuan Monstrous Scorpion, Huge Monstrous Scorpion, Large Monstrous Scorpion, Medium Monstrous Scorpion, Small Monstrous Spider, Colossal Monstrous Spider, Gargantuan Monstrous Spider, Huge Monstrous Spider, Large Monstrous Spider, Medium Monstrous Spider, Small Moon Dog Moon Hag Moon Spider Moon-beast Moonflower Morgodea Morlock Mosquito Swarm Mosquito, Giant Mosslord Mothman Moxix Mu Spore Muckdweller Muckdweller, Giant Mudlord Muhuru Mule Mummified Animal Mummified Baboon Mummified Crocodile Mummified Elephant Mummified Hippo Mummified Sphinx Mummy Mummy Lord Mummy, Swamp Muse Myceloid Myrmecoleon Nachzehrer Naga, Dark Naga, Deep Naga, Dream Naga, Guardian Naga, Lunar Naga, Royal Naga, Slime Naga, Spirit Naga, Water Nagaji Naiad Necrocraft Necrophidius Neh-thalggu Nehushtan Nekomata Nemhain Neothelid Neothelid Overlord Nependis Nephilim Nereid Neshmaal Night hag Nightgaunt Nightmare Nightmare, Cauchemar Nightripper Nightshade, Nightcrawler Nightshade, Nightprowler Nightshade, Nightwalker Nightshade, Nightwave Nightshade, Nightwing Nihiloi Ningen Ningyo Ningyo, Undead Nisid Nixie Nixudaemon Nochlean Nogitsune Norn Nothosaur Nuckelavee Nue Nulmind Nycar Nymph Obambo Oblivion Observer Robot Swarm Oceanid Ochre Jelly Ochre, Eurypterid Octopus Octopus, giant Ogre Ogre Mage Ohancanu Oma Omnipath Oneirogen Oni, Atamahuta Oni, Earth Yai Oni, Fire Yai Oni, Ice Yai Oni, Ja Noi Oni, Kigyo Oni, Kuwa Oni, Najikai Oni, Nogitsune Oni, Ogre Mage Oni, Spirit Oni, Void Yai Oni, Water Yai Oni, Wind Yai Oni, Yamabushi Tengu Onyvolan Onyx Scourge Oooze, Carnivorous Crystal Ooze, Black Pudding Ooze, Deathtrap Ooze, Emotion Ooze, Garden Ooze, Gelatinous Cube Ooze, Gray Ooze, Greater Verdurous Ooze, Ochre Jelly Ooze, Plasma Ooze, Undead Ooze, Verdurous Ooze, White Pudding Oracular Cyclops Orc Orc, Black Orc, Blood Orc, Ghost-Faced Orc, Greenskin Oread Orog (Greater Orc) Oronci Ossumental Ostovite Otyugh Ouroboros Outer Dragon, Lunar Adult Outer Dragon, Lunar Ancient Outer Dragon, Lunar Young Outer Dragon, Solar Adult Outer Dragon, Solar Ancient Outer Dragon, Solar Young Outer Dragon, Time Adult Outer Dragon, Time Ancient Outer Dragon, Time Young Outer Dragon, Time Young Adult Outer Dragon, Time Young Young Outer Dragon, Void Adult Outer Dragon, Void Ancient Outer Dragon, Void Young Outer Dragon, Vortex Adult Outer Dragon, Vortex Ancient Outer Dragon, Vortex Young Owb Owl, giant Owl, Great Horned Owlbear Paguroida Pale Stranger Pallid Wriggler Swarm Papinijuwari Parasite, Giant Rot Grub Parasite, Rot Grub Swarm Pard Patchwork Insect Swarm Pech Pegasus Pegasus Champion Peluda Peri Peryton Petitioner Petrified Maiden Petromin Peuchen Phantom Armor, Giant Phantom Armor, Guardian Phantom Armor, Hollow Helm Phantom Armor, Phantom Lancer Phantom fungus Phantom, Unfettered Pharaonic Guardian Phase spider Phasm Phlegmatic Ooze Swarm Phoenix Phycomid Pickled Punk Pilo Pipefox Piranha Swarm Pit Hag Pixie Plague Locust Swarm Planar Dragon Apocalypse Adult Planar Dragon Crypt Ancient Planar Dragon Havoc Adult Planar Dragon Havoc Ancient Planar Dragon Havoc Young Planar Dragon, Apocalypse Anci Planar Dragon, Apocalypse Youn Planar Dragon, Bliss Adult Planar Dragon, Bliss Ancient Planar Dragon, Bliss Young Planar Dragon, Crypt Adult Planar Dragon, Crypt Young Planar Dragon, Edict Adult Planar Dragon, Edict Ancient Planar Dragon, Edict Young Planar Dragon, Infernal Adult Planar Dragon, Infernal Ancien Planar Dragon, Infernal Young Planar Dragon, Paradise Adult Planar Dragon, Paradise Ancien Planar Dragon, Paradise Young Planar Dragon, Rift Adult Planar Dragon, Rift Ancient Planar Dragon, Rift Young Planetar Angel, Planetar Plankta Plasma Ooze Plizeazoth Polevik Polong Poltergeist Poludnica Pony Pony, War Pooka Popobala Porcupine Porcupine, Giant Porpoise Primal Dragon, Brine Adult Primal Dragon, Brine Ancient Primal Dragon, Brine Young Primal Dragon, Cloud Adult Primal Dragon, Cloud Ancient Primal Dragon, Cloud Young Primal Dragon, Crystal Adult Primal Dragon, Crystal Ancient Primal Dragon, Crystal Young Primal Dragon, Magma Adult Primal Dragon, Magma Ancient Primal Dragon, Magma Young Primal Dragon, Umbral Adult Primal Dragon, Umbral Ancient Primal Dragon, Umbral Young Primate, Baboon Primate, Monkey Swarm Prism Dragon Protean, Azuretzi Protean, Hegessik Protean, Imentesh Protean, Izfiitar Protean, Keketar Protean, Naunet Protean, Oshageros Protean, Ourdivar Protean, Pelagastr Protean, Voidworm Proto-Shoggoth Proto-Shoggoth Syncytium Pseudodragon Psoglav Psyche Serpent Psychemental Psychepore Psychic Stalker Psychopomp, Algea Psychopomp, Catrina Psychopomp, Esobok Psychopomp, Kere Psychopomp, Memitim Psychopomp, Morrigna Psychopomp, Nosoi Psychopomp, Olethros Psychopomp, Shoki Psychopomp, Vanth Psychopomp, Viduus Psychopomp, Yamaraj Pterosaur, Quetzalcoatlus Pterosaur, Rhamphorhynchus Pudding, White Pukwudgie Purple worm Putrid Ooze Pyrausta Pyrogeist Pyropiscis Qallupilluk Qlippoth Lord, Chavazvug Qlippoth Lord, Isph-Aun-Vuln Qlippoth Lord, Oaur-Ooung Qlippoth Lord, Thuskchoon Qlippoth, Augnagar Qlippoth, Behimiron Qlippoth, Cataboligne Qlippoth, Chernobue Qlippoth, Cythnigot Qlippoth, Deinochos Qlippoth, Gongorinan Qlippoth, Gorgoros Qlippoth, Hydraggon Qlippoth, Iathavos Qlippoth, Nyogoth Qlippoth, Shoggti Qlippoth, Thulgant Qlippoth, Utukku Qlippoth, Vexenion Quickling Quickwood Quillcat Radiant Essence Raiju Rakshasa Rakshasa, Amanusya Rakshasa, Avatarana Rakshasa, Dandasuka Rakshasa, Maharaja Rakshasa, Marai Rakshasa, Orsatka Rakshasa, Raktavarna Rakshasa, Tataka Rakshasa, Zalyakavat Ram Ramidreju Rast Rat King Rat Ogre Rat Swarm Rat, Dire Ratfolk Ratling Raven Swarm Raven, Giant RAVENER BEHEMOTH Ravener, Red Wyrm Ravid Rawhead Ray, Manta Ray, Stingray Redcap Reefclaw Remacera Remorhaz Reptoid Retriever Revenant Rhinoceros Rhinoceros, Woolly Rhu-Chalik Riftcreeper Ringhorn Robot, Annihilator Robot, Collector Robot, Director Robot, Evaluator Robot, Gearsman Robot, Juggernaut Robot, Myrmidon Robot, Observer Robot, Reclamation Robot, Surgeon Robot, Terraformer Robot, Thought Harvester Robot, Warden Roc Rock Tuatara Roiling Oil Rokurokubi Rope Dragon Roper Rorkoun Rot Grub Swarm Rot Grub, Giant Rukh Rukh, Juvenile Rusalka Rust Monster Rust-Risen Sabosan Sagari Saguaroi Sahkil, Esipil Sahkil, Kimenhul Sahkil, Nucol Sahkil, Pakalchi Sahkil, Qolok Sahkil, Wihsaak Sahkil, Ximtal Sahkil, Zohanil Sahuagin Sahuagin Mutant, Four-armed Sahuagin Mutant, Malenti Salamander Salamander, Flamebrother Salamander, Noble Saltwater Crocodile Samsaran Sand Kraken Sandling Sandman Sangoi Sangudaemon Sanguine Ooze Swarm Sapphire, Jellyfish Sard Sargassum Fiend Sasquatch Satyr Saumen Kar Saurian Saxra Sayona Scarab Swarm Scarab, Giant Scarecrow Sceaduinar Scitalis Scorpion, Black Scorpion, Cave Scorpion, Deadfall Scorpion, Ghost Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Giant Emperor Scorpion, Greensting Scrag Scrapshell Scrivenite Scylla Scythe Glass Swarm Sea Anemone, Coffin Anemone Sea Anemone, Giant Sea Anemone, Sirens Bed Anemon Sea Bonze Sea Cat Sea Crawler Sea Dragon, Adult Sea Dragon, Ancient Sea Dragon, Young Sea Hag Sea Serpent Sea Serpent, Deep Sea Urchin, Giant Black Spot Sea Urchin, Great Diadem Sea Urchin, Hunter Sea Urchin, Ravenous Swarm Sea Urchin, Ravenous Urchin Sw Sea Urchin, Spear Sea Worm, Giant Tube Worm Sea Worm, Hookfang Sea Worm, King Ragworm Seahorse, Giant Seahorse, Killer Seaweed Siren Seeded Creature Seilenos Selkie Seps Seps, Juvenile Serpentfolk Serpentfolk Reclaimer Serpentfolk, Degenerate Serpopard Set Guardian Seugathi Seugathi Savant Sha Shadow Shadow Collector Shadow Demon Shadow Mastiff Shadow, Greater Shadowgarm Shae Shalkeshka Shambling Mound Shamira Shantak Shard Slag Shark Shark, Dire Shark, Angustiden Shark, Bull Shark, Dire Shark, Great White Shark, Hammerhead Shark, Helicoprion Shark, Jigsaw Shark, large Shasalqu Shedu Shell Sentinel Shield, Archon Shinigami Shining Child Ship In A Bottle Ship Sentinel Shipmind Shobhad Shocker Lizard Shoggoth Shotalashu Shredskin Shriezyx Shriezyx Queen Shrike Worm Shrimp, Giant Mantis Shulsaga Simurgh Sin Seeker Sinspawn Sinspawn (Wrath) Sinspawn, Wrathspawn Siren Sishkanset Siyokoy Skapraun Skeleton Skeltercat Skin Stealer Skincrawler Skinstitch Skittergoat Skrik Nettle Skrimsl Skulk Skum Skunk Skunk, Giant Skvader Sky Dragon, Adult Sky Dragon, Ancient Sky Dragon, Young Sleipnir Slime Mold Slithering Pit Slithering Tracker Slug, Giant Slurk Smilodon, Dire Smoke Sentinel Snake Swarm Snake Swarm, Venomous Snake, constrictor Snake, Emperor Cobra Snake, Giant Anaconda Snake, small viper Snake, Venomous Snallygaster Snark Solar Angel, Solar Solar, Ancient Dragon Solifugid, Albino Cave Solifugid, Duneshaker Solifugid, Giant Solifugid, Razormouth Somalcygot Sorico Sorrow Stitcher Soul Eater Soulbound Doll Soulbound Mannequin Soulbound Shell Soulbound Shell (Cleric) Soulbound Shell (Witch) Soulbound Shell (Wizard) Soulpierced Soulsliver Sovereign Dragon, Adult Sovereign Dragon, Ancient Sovereign Dragon, Young Spartolos Spawn Of Yog-Sothoth Spawning Canker Spectre Spellgorger Spellscar Fext Sphinx (Gynosphinx) Sphinx, Androsphinx Sphinx, Criosphinx Sphinx, Elder Sphinx, Gynosphinx Sphinx, Hieracosphinx Spider Eater Spider Swarm Spider, Giant Spider, Giant Black Widow Spider, Giant Crab Spider, Giant Tarantula Spider, Goliath Spider, Ogre Spider, Ogre (Huge) Spider, Scarlet Spirit of Adoration Spirit, Oni Spore Stalker Spriggan Spriggan, Large Spring-Heeled Jack Sprite Sprite, Grig Sprite, Nixie Sprite, Pixie Squid Squid, Giant Star Monarch Star Vampire Star, Archon Star-Spawn Of Cthulhu Starfish, Giant Steward of the Skein Stirge Storm Aurochs Stormghost Stranglereed Strix Stygira Stymphalides, Swarm Stymphalidies Stymphalidies, Giant Su Suli Sun Falcon Sunbaked Zombie Sundew, Giant Svartalfar Svirfneblin Swan Maiden Swan, Trumpeter Swimming Eye Swarm Switchback Jackal Sylph Syricta Syrinx Taniniver Taniwha Tanuki Taotieh Tarantula Tree Targotha Tarrasque Tatterlorn Tattoo Guardian Tatzlwyrm Tekenu Telgrodradt Tendriculos Tenebrous Blight Tenebrous Worm Tengu Tenome Tentamort Termite Swarm Termite, Giant Terra-cotta Archer Terra-cotta Soldier test sprite Tetrolimulus Thalassic Architect Thassilonian Sentinels, Bronze Thassilonian Sentinels, Marble Thawn The Black Horse, Apocalypse Ho The End-singer The Monarch Worm The Stabbing Beast (Humanoid) The Stabbing Beast (Scorpion) The Stabbingbeast The Stabbingbeast, Stabbing Be The Unholy First, Festering Ul Thessalhydra Thin Man Thoqqua Thorgothrel Thought Eater Thrasfyr Thremindyr Thriae Constructor Thriae Dancer Thriae Queen Thriae Seer Thriae Soldier Thrushmoor Angler Thunderbird Thylacine, Brush Tiberolith Tick Swarm Tick, Giant Tidewretch Tiefling Tiger Tiger fish Tiger, Dire Tikbalang Tikoloshe Time Dimensional Titan, Elysian Titan, Fomorian Titan, Hekatonkheires Titan, Thanatotic Tiyanak Tizheruk Toad, Giant Toad, Glacier Tojanida Tooth Fairy Tophet Tortoise, Giant Tortoise, Immense Totenmaske Trailgaunt Treant Trench Mist Tribal Totem Triton Troglodyte Troll Troll, Canopy Troll, Flood Troll, Ice Troll, Jotund Troll, Moss Troll, Rock Trollhound Troop, Cultist Troop, Goblin Troop, Outlaw Troops, Thrune Trox Tsaalgrend Tullimonstrum Tunche Tupilaq Turtle, Giant Snapping Turtle, Snapping Turul Tuyewera Twigjack Tychilarius Typhilipede Tyrant Jelly Tzitzimitl Udaeus Ugash-Iram Ugothokra Umasi Umber Hulk Umbral Shepherd Umdhlebi Underworld Dragon, Adult Underworld Dragon, Ancient Underworld Dragon, Young Undigested Undigested Swarm Undine Unfettered, Eidolon Unicorn Unrisen Uraeus Urannag Urdefhan Urhag Ursikka Valkyrie Vampire spawn Vampiric Mist Vanara Vargouille Ved Veela, Air Veela, Earth Veela, Fire Veela, Water Vegepygmy Veiled Master Vemerak Venomroach Verdurous Ooze Vescavor Queen Vescavor Swarm Vespergaunt Vilderavn Vilkacis Violet Fungus Viper Vine Vireseed Swarm Vishap Vishkanya Vodyanoi Voice Of The Damned Voidstick Zombie Volnagur, The End-singer Voonith Vorvorak Vouivre Vrykolakas Vukodlak Vulture Vulture, Giant Wakandagi Walcofinde Waldgeist Walking Stick, Giant Walrus Walrus, Emperor Wamp Warforged Warhorse, Heavy Warhorse, Light Warmonger Warmonger Wasp Warpglass Ooze Warsworn Wasp Swarm Wasp, Giant Water Leaper Water Orm Water Strider Swarm Water Strider, Giant Water Strider, Nymph Water Wraith Wayang Weasel, Dire Weasel, Giant Weaverworm Weedwhip Wendigo Weremantis Wereraptor Werespider Werewasp Whale Whale, Orca Whale, Baleen Whale, Blue Whale, Cachalot Whale, Great White Whale, Narwhal Whip Spider, Titanic Whirlmaw Whisperer Wickerman Wight Wight, Frost Wight, Sword Wikkawak Wild Hunt Archer Wild Hunt Horse Wild Hunt Hound Wild Hunt Monarch Wild Hunt Scout Will O Wisp Will-o-Wisp Winter Fey Winter Hag Winter wolf Winterwight Witchcrow Witchcrow, Greater Witchfire Witchwyrd Wizards Shackle Wolf Wolf, Dire Wolf, Timber Wolf-in-sheeps-clothing Wolliped Wolpertinger Wolverine Wolverine, Dire Worg Worg, Winter Wolf Woundwyrm Wraith Wraith, Apostasy Wraith, Dread Wraith, Spawn Wraithwing Wretchghost Wyrmwraith Wyrwood Wysp, Aether Wysp, Air Wysp, Earth Wysp, Fire Wysp, Water Wyvaran Wyvern Xacarba Xanthos Xenopterid Xiao Xill Xill Matriarch Xiomorn Xorn Xorn, Average Xorn, Elder Xorn, Minor Xtabay Xulgath Yah-Thelgaad Yamasoth Yangethe Yaoguai Yellow Musk Creeper Yeth Hound Yeti Yhohm Yithian Yithian Elder Yolubilis Heron Ypotryll Yrthak Yuki-onna Yurei Zana Zarxorin Zelishkar Of The Bitter Flame Zephyr Zeuglodon Zombie Zombie, Human Zombie, Plague Zomok Zoog Zuvembie Zygomind
TemplateNone Advanced Amphibious Augment Summoned Awakened Black-Blooded Creature Blighted Fey Broken Soul Celestial creature Clockwork Construct Counterpoised (1-4) Counterpoised (5+) Crazed Dark Tapestry Death Knight Demon-Possessed Babau Demon-Possessed Balor Demon-Possessed Bebelith Demon-Possessed Dretch Demon-Possessed Glabrezu Demon-Possessed Hezrou Demon-Possessed Marilith Demon-Possessed Nalfeshnee Demon-Possessed Quasit Demon-Possessed Retriever Demon-Possessed Succubus Demon-Possessed Vrock Devilbound Accuser Devilbound Barbed Devilbound Bearded Devilbound Belier Devilbound Bone Devilbound Contract Devilbound Drowning Devilbound Erinyes Devilbound Handmaiden Devilbound Horned Devilbound Host Devilbound Ice Devilbound Immolation Devilbound Imp Devilbound Nemesis Devilbound Pit Fiend Dire (Medium) Dread Ghast Dread Ghost Dread Ghoul Dread Mohrg Dread Mummy Dread Shadow Dread Skeleton (Col) Dread Skeleton (Garg) Dread Skeleton (H) Dread Skeleton (M or L) Dread Vampire Dread Zombie (Colossal) Dread Zombie (Gargantuan) Dread Zombie (Huge) Dread Zombie (Large) Dread Zombie (Medium) Dread Zombie (Small) Dread Zombie (Tiny or Smaller) Exoskeleton (Colossal) Exoskeleton (Gargantuan) Exoskeleton (Huge) Exoskeleton (Large) Exoskeleton (Medium) Exoskeleton (Small) Fey Creature Fiendish Fiery Creature (1-4) Fiery Creature (5+) Foo Creature Fungal Ghost Giant Template Giantblood (Gargantuan) Giantblood (Huge) Giantblood (Large) Giantblood (Medium) Giantblood (Small) Grave-touched Ghoul Graveknight Half-celestial Half-dragon, Black Half-dragon, Blue Half-dragon, Brass Half-dragon, Bronze Half-dragon, Copper Half-dragon, Gold Half-dragon, Green Half-dragon, Red Half-dragon, Silver Half-dragon, White Half-Fiend Implacable Stalker Implacable Stalker (undead) Jotunblood Giant (Gargantuan) Jotunblood Giant (Huge) Jotunblood Giant (Large) Jotunblood Giant (Medium) Lich Metal-Clad Adamantine Metal-Clad Brass Metal-Clad Bronze Metal-Clad Copper Metal-Clad Gold Metal-Clad Iron Metal-Clad Lead Metal-Clad Mithral Metal-Clad Platinum Metal-Clad Silver Metal-Clad Steel Middle Age Mighty Mummified Creature Mummy Lord template Mummy Template Mythic Agile Mythic Arcane Mythic Divine Mythic Invincible 11+HD Mythic Invincible upto 10HD Mythic Savage Negative Energy-Charged Creatu Nightmare Creature Nosferatu Ogrekin Old Age Pallid Vector Plagued Beast Poisonous Creature Ravener Shadow Creature Shadow Lord Shi Vampire Skeletal Skeletal (Colossal) Skeletal (Gargantuan) Skeletal (Huge) Skeletal (Large) Skeletal (Medium) Skeletal (Small) Skeletal (Tiny) Skeletal Champion (Colossal) Skeletal Champion (Gargantuan) Skeletal Champion (Huge) Skeletal Champion (Large) Skeletal Champion (Medium) Skeleton (Colossal) Skeleton (Gargantuan) Skeleton (Huge) Skeleton (Large) Skeleton (Medium) Terror Vampire Vampire Spawn, Addle-Minded Vampire Spawn, Repeatedly Drai Venerable Age Werebear, Bear form Werebear, Human form Werebear, Hybrid form Wereboar, Boar form Wereboar, Human form Wereboar, Hybrid form Werecat, Cat Form Werecat, Human Form Werecat, Hybrid Werecat, Hybrid form Werecrocodile, Human form Werecrocodile, Hybrid form Wererat, Dire rat Wererat, Human form Wererat, Hybrid Wereshark, Human form Wereshark, Hybrid form Wereshark, Shark form Weretiger, Human form Weretiger, Hybrid form Weretiger, Tiger form Werewolf, Human form Werewolf, Hybrid form Werewolf, Wolf form Wight Template Worm That Walks Young Zombie Juju Zombie Lord (Colossal) Zombie Lord (Gargantuan) Zombie Lord (Huge) Zombie Lord (Large) Zombie Lord (Small or Med) Zombie Template Zombie Template (Colossal) Zombie Template (Gargantuan) Zombie Template (Huge) Zombie Template (Large) Zombie Template (Small or Med)
Template 2None Advanced Amphibious Augment Summoned Awakened Black-Blooded Creature Blighted Fey Broken Soul Celestial creature Clockwork Construct Counterpoised (1-4) Counterpoised (5+) Crazed Dark Tapestry Death Knight Demon-Possessed Babau Demon-Possessed Balor Demon-Possessed Bebelith Demon-Possessed Dretch Demon-Possessed Glabrezu Demon-Possessed Hezrou Demon-Possessed Marilith Demon-Possessed Nalfeshnee Demon-Possessed Quasit Demon-Possessed Retriever Demon-Possessed Succubus Demon-Possessed Vrock Devilbound Accuser Devilbound Barbed Devilbound Bearded Devilbound Belier Devilbound Bone Devilbound Contract Devilbound Drowning Devilbound Erinyes Devilbound Handmaiden Devilbound Horned Devilbound Host Devilbound Ice Devilbound Immolation Devilbound Imp Devilbound Nemesis Devilbound Pit Fiend Dire (Medium) Dread Ghast Dread Ghost Dread Ghoul Dread Mohrg Dread Mummy Dread Shadow Dread Skeleton (Col) Dread Skeleton (Garg) Dread Skeleton (H) Dread Skeleton (M or L) Dread Vampire Dread Zombie (Colossal) Dread Zombie (Gargantuan) Dread Zombie (Huge) Dread Zombie (Large) Dread Zombie (Medium) Dread Zombie (Small) Dread Zombie (Tiny or Smaller) Exoskeleton (Colossal) Exoskeleton (Gargantuan) Exoskeleton (Huge) Exoskeleton (Large) Exoskeleton (Medium) Exoskeleton (Small) Fey Creature Fiendish Fiery Creature (1-4) Fiery Creature (5+) Foo Creature Fungal Ghost Giant Template Giantblood (Gargantuan) Giantblood (Huge) Giantblood (Large) Giantblood (Medium) Giantblood (Small) Grave-touched Ghoul Graveknight Half-celestial Half-dragon, Black Half-dragon, Blue Half-dragon, Brass Half-dragon, Bronze Half-dragon, Copper Half-dragon, Gold Half-dragon, Green Half-dragon, Red Half-dragon, Silver Half-dragon, White Half-Fiend Implacable Stalker Implacable Stalker (undead) Jotunblood Giant (Gargantuan) Jotunblood Giant (Huge) Jotunblood Giant (Large) Jotunblood Giant (Medium) Lich Metal-Clad Adamantine Metal-Clad Brass Metal-Clad Bronze Metal-Clad Copper Metal-Clad Gold Metal-Clad Iron Metal-Clad Lead Metal-Clad Mithral Metal-Clad Platinum Metal-Clad Silver Metal-Clad Steel Middle Age Mighty Mummified Creature Mummy Lord template Mummy Template Mythic Agile Mythic Arcane Mythic Divine Mythic Invincible 11+HD Mythic Invincible upto 10HD Mythic Savage Negative Energy-Charged Creatu Nightmare Creature Nosferatu Ogrekin Old Age Pallid Vector Plagued Beast Poisonous Creature Ravener Shadow Creature Shadow Lord Shi Vampire Skeletal Skeletal (Colossal) Skeletal (Gargantuan) Skeletal (Huge) Skeletal (Large) Skeletal (Medium) Skeletal (Small) Skeletal (Tiny) Skeletal Champion (Colossal) Skeletal Champion (Gargantuan) Skeletal Champion (Huge) Skeletal Champion (Large) Skeletal Champion (Medium) Skeleton (Colossal) Skeleton (Gargantuan) Skeleton (Huge) Skeleton (Large) Skeleton (Medium) Terror Vampire Vampire Spawn, Addle-Minded Vampire Spawn, Repeatedly Drai Venerable Age Werebear, Bear form Werebear, Human form Werebear, Hybrid form Wereboar, Boar form Wereboar, Human form Wereboar, Hybrid form Werecat, Cat Form Werecat, Human Form Werecat, Hybrid Werecat, Hybrid form Werecrocodile, Human form Werecrocodile, Hybrid form Wererat, Dire rat Wererat, Human form Wererat, Hybrid Wereshark, Human form Wereshark, Hybrid form Wereshark, Shark form Weretiger, Human form Weretiger, Hybrid form Weretiger, Tiger form Werewolf, Human form Werewolf, Hybrid form Werewolf, Wolf form Wight Template Worm That Walks Young Zombie Juju Zombie Lord (Colossal) Zombie Lord (Gargantuan) Zombie Lord (Huge) Zombie Lord (Large) Zombie Lord (Small or Med) Zombie Template Zombie Template (Colossal) Zombie Template (Gargantuan) Zombie Template (Huge) Zombie Template (Large) Zombie Template (Small or Med)
Another issue:
Earth Elementals dont have Push ability, or it was removed. But yours still do!
Thanks for reporting probably there from when I converted from 3.5 to pathfinder. I’ve got rid of Push now.
Small issue,
when adding half celestial template and also augmented summoning template, the speed changes to 5 feet, instead of normal
Should be OK now
Yup! all better. You’re the best ty <3
As a huge Alice in Wonderland fan the dweomercat is awesome.
The kingmaker adventure “Sound of a Thousand Screams” also lists a CR7 version. This would be awesome to Dingle Up.
The Dweomercat on the site is from Sound of a Thousand Screams. The stats look the same
I’m trying to create a Decapus (PF version) with the Advanced and Vampire template along with 13 levels of sorcerer class. Once produced by the genrator, I want to augment the monster’s HD but when doing so, the generator offers me only 5 levels of sorcerer. Normal or not? I don’t really understand why the recalculation seems to reset many variables of the NPCs.
The problem is Dinglesgames is losing your login ID. Pass the login information in a cookie between the pages so you will need to make sure you have cookies enabled for have a look at this page it should help. Let me know if you still have any problem.
Things are now working perfectly!! Thanks for refreshing my memory!
You’re welcome 🙂
Hello, I am noticing an issue with CMD calculation. It seems to be higher than it should be. To demonstrate, I just created a 2nd level fighter and a 3rd level cleric and their calculated CMDs come out one higher than they should be.
Thanks for reporting a bug had crept in in the last major update.
Hi its me again I’ve been trying to make an Ancient Red Dragon skeleton. At first its CR 10 but then if you increase it by the one HD that’s allowed and alter the stats then it jumps to CR20+ which shouldn’t be possible with that minor of alterations.
I think the problem is that you gave the dragon skeleton some intelligence so it got all its spells, feats, and skills back. Skeletons have an INT of zero and lose skills and spells.
Jesses DnD: Epic Pathfinder Levels
Weapon Master Archtype:
I’ve added the Weapon Master
Something is up with the Skeletal Champion template. It cannot make the Skeletal Champion found in the Monster Manual; its stats are too low, it has too few feats and its CR is wrong. Is the template applying correctly?
Thanks for reporting, I’ve done a few changes to the template now.
Thanks 😀
I think it’s actually that the Skeletal Champion in the bestiary makes no sense. Its stats are all over the place. It’s got a 17, 13, -, 9, 10, 12. Those aren’t legal stats for a human warrior even with a +2 Str and +2 Dex and lack of Con from the skeletal champion.
I did some maths to make sure I wasn’t going crazy and it turns out the Bestiary example has a total of 61 stats (added together), the one I can create with the generator has 58 stats (added together). If that helps you any.
Do you have any plans to add any of the *other classes to this tool? Such as 3rd party or Unchained classes from the d20pfsrd
Yes, but some classes require large changes to the code or don’t follow the basic rules. Are there any classes you are thinking of?