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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. admin says:

    Hi eXaminator,
    The monk gets their wisdom bonus and AC bonus on the CMD (under monk AC bonus (ex)).
    For a 3rd level kobold monk (scout)
    I think:
    The CMB should be
    +3Dex(agile maneuvers), +3 level, +2 improved grapple – 1 size = +7.

    The CMD should be
    10 +3 Dex, -1 Str, +2 Wis, +2 base attack,
    +2 improved grapple, -1 size mod = 17
    I’ve removed the reference to (grapple 4).

  2. eXaminator says:

    Hi Paul,

    it’s still wrong.

    Same NPC, this time the line says:
    Base Attack 2 CMB 7 ;(grapple 4) ;CMD 18

    So it should have a CMB of 5. Do you add the BAB in addition to the monks level?

    The CMD doesn’t seem to be reight either. It should be +2 BAB, +3 Dex, +0 Str, -1 Size = 14

    I don’t think Monks get a bonus on CMD, or do I miss something?

  3. admin says:

    Hi eXaminator,
    well spotted I wasn’t including the monks maneuver training at 3rd level, I was also not adding in the monks bonus to CMD. Should be ok now.
    I’ve changed the description of point blank shot to say the bonus in already included.

  4. eXaminator says:

    Do you always take Point Blank Shot into calculation for Attack and Damage? I’m not sure if that’s good, maybe a * or something would be better to indicate that there might be a bonus for attacks or something.

  5. eXaminator says:

    I think there is an error with the CMB calculation somewhere. I just created a Kobold Monk (Scout) level 3. As a Bonus Feat I selected Agile Maneuvers to get the +3 Dex-Mod for CMB. I also selected Improved Grapple to get +2 on grapple checks.

    The calculated CMB said “CMB 6 (grapple 3)” which doesn’t make sense:
    – 3rd level monks get theire monk-level as baseattackbonus on their CMB (maneuver training) -> +3
    – +3 from Dex (Agile Maneuvers)
    – -1 from Size (small)
    = CMB 5

    Then I get the +2 on grapple, don’t I? Did I miss something?

  6. admin says:

    Hi Marquise,
    The dragons take about an hour to type in I will get around to it though. I’ve got to revisit all the metallic ones.

  7. Maquise says:

    I noticed some of the monsters are missing. In particular, I couldn’t find the Gold Dragon.

    Still, this is immensely useful. Keep up the good work.

  8. admin says:

    Yep the wyrmling was wrong as well, I’d already updated the breath weapons so was not checking them again, must have missed this first time around.

  9. eXaminator says:

    The White-Dragons Breath Weapon should make d4 Damage, note d6 (I built a Adult white dragon and it said 6d6 Damage, but it should be 12d4).

  10. admin says:

    Thanks for that eXaminator, now fixed.

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