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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. eXaminator says:

    Oh, anonther small bug: I just built a Kobold Fighter (Thief) level 3 with a spear as main weapon (default). In the Full-Attack section it says: Spear +4 (1d6 Crit X3). But the “Crit” shouldn’t be there. And there is a closing bracket missing behind the “Sling” entry damage in the single attack section.

  2. eXaminator says:

    Just a quick note:
    – The D8 HD for the Kobold warrior in the bestiary is indeed a missprint.

    – You should revisit the magic Items at some point. In pathfinder all items that give a bonus to physical abilities (Str, Dex and Con) are for the belt slot now while all items with a bonus to Cha, Wis and Int are now headbands. There are probably some other changes with that now, so you should have a look into that! 🙂

  3. admin says:

    Black Dragons and Green Dragons have been updated today

  4. eXaminator says:

    Hi Paul,

    strange. I could swear that the Kobold Warrior 1 in the Bestiary had a D8. But says it’s a d10 too. And it would actually make sense. Anyway, I’ll check when I’m back home tonight to check the bestiary again, maybe it’s a misstake in the print version.

    One thing: When selecting a race without racial HD without selecting a Class you get an error saying so. That’s ok, but could you change the form so that the selection doesn’t get reseted to Aasimar. For the template field too please!

  5. admin says:

    Hi eXaminator
    The dragons seem to have changed quite a lot since 3.5, I ran a conversion program, but they need manually adjusting. I’ve done the White and black dragons. I’ll do the rest when I can. The half dragons should be Ok know.
    The warrior is D10 in the bestiary, the DC’s below 1 don’t work very well.
    Prob easier if you send me e-mails with faults at


  6. eXaminator says:

    I just built a Kobold warrior 1 as in the book.

    – Warrior should have d8 as HD, not a d10
    – The CR should be 1/4. It say 0.5 in the generator view in CR1 in the statblock. The XP are correct though!

  7. eXaminator says:

    Ok, some errors in the “White Dragon, Adult”:
    – It should have only 13d12 HD, not 18d12
    – It is missing the cold aura and frightful presence should also be an aura
    – Immunity to sleep and paralysis ssems to be missing
    – SR should be 21
    – Abilities should be: Str 25, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 12, WIs 15, Cha 12
    – Skills and Feats arn’t correct
    – Aquan istn’t listed in Bestiary as language
    – I can’t find its special qualities icewalking and ice shape in your statblock.
    – I can’t find water breathing in the book anymore.

    Basicly I just noticed a few more mistakes in the statblock. Basicly the Defense-Block is wrong. There shouldn’t be one big block “defense abilities”. As for the dragon it should look like this (I added pseudo-HTML-Code to show the formatting):
    [b]DR[/b] 5/magic; [b]Immune[/b] cold, paralysis, sleep; [b]SR[/b] 21 [br]
    [b]Weaknesses[/b] vulnerability to fire

  8. eXaminator says:

    Oh yeah, please note that I was mistaken with the maneuverability bonus on fly checks: average is a +0 bonus.

  9. eXaminator says:

    I promise, next time I’ll collect everything before I post, but since I started spamming anyway… the half-dragon basilisk (dracolist) is actually listed in the book as example for Hald-Dragons.

    While checking the skills I just noticed another bug: Your generator actually say (correctly) that the half-dragon should gain 21 Skill Points (7*[6-3]). But it only assigns 15 ranks (7 on perception and 8 on stealth). But as far as the example of the book goes it should be like this:
    Stealth 13 = -1 Dex + 4 racial + 3 Classskill + 7 Ranks
    Perception 14 = 1 Wis + 3 Feat + 3 Classskill + 7 Ranks
    Fly 9 = -1 Dex + 3 Classskill + 7 Ranks

    Note that a Half-Dragon should also change the type of the monster to dragon (which it doesn’t seem to do now since it still says medium magical beast). This might also change classskills and stuff!

  10. eXaminator says:

    For some reason the Half-Dragon basilisk gets a base speed of 30ft, but this shouldn’t increase (basilisk only has a base move of 20 ft).

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