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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. eXaminator says:

    Sry for spamming again, but could you display the fly skill for every monster that has a fly speed? And I’m not sure if you’ve saved this info in the DB, but every monster has a fly maneuverability (have dragons have an average maneuverability) which gives different bonuses to fly (average gives a +2 bonus I think). Maybe you could just add this bonus as a race/template inherit bonus to fly skill for each flying race, this way the skill should be shown anyway since it gets a bonus, right?

  2. eXaminator says:

    and on we go (still half white dragon basilisk):
    – a Half-Dragon shouldn’t recalulate HD, BAB or saves. So the HD should stay 7d10 and not 7d12
    – a Half-Dragon should increase its Con by +6, not +2.
    – a Half-Dragon should gain a Fly-Speed equal its double landspeed with avg. maneuverability.
    – the breath weapon should deal 1d6 per racial HD. This should be 7d6, not 6d8. The DC should be higher, but since its connected to con it will probably go up after fixing the +6 Con issue.

    It seems like creatures without racial HD don’t get the breath weapon anymore since the book explicitly mentions racial HD as base for the damage (no racial HD = no damage = no breath weapon).

  3. eXaminator says:

    and another comment, same monster: the Basilisk should have a natutal AC of +8 (not +7)

  4. eXaminator says:

    Oh, another bug, I just built a Half-Dragon (White) Basilisk, it doesn’t seem to reduce its to claw attacks (gained by half-dragon template) to a single line (2 claws …) but still shows two seperate lines for each claw.

  5. eXaminator says:

    Hey, just another minor Bug: When you add an template that has special abilities like darkvision or low-light-vision to a race that already has those abilities they are listed twice. Maybe you could reduce this somehow and just display the better darkvision.

  6. admin says:

    The (+1/+1) is +1 to hit +1 damage it was really to differentiate between Masterwork and Magic weapons.


  7. eXaminator says:

    I just got a question. I wanted to see the changed Magic-Item list and built a Aasimar Fighter 1 with a +1 bonus on its longsword.

    In the Single Attack line (not in the Full Attack line) it says “(+1/+1) Longsword +4 (1d8+3/19-20)”. Why does it say +1 twice? And why is it omitted in the Full Attack line?

    I think it would be nice to just write “Longsword (+1) +4 (1d8+3/19-20)” instead. And this should be written in Full Attack line too.

  8. eXaminator says:

    Mhh… ok, I think that’s as much as I can ask for since you implemented quite a few of my requests 🙂

    I’ll definetly use this generatore quite a lot in the future. Thanks alot!

  9. admin says:

    I didn’t want a huge list of feats, the list is pretty big already. with a weapon feat for each weapon it would add in hundreds of extra items to the list.
    I could add a secondary weapon feat which would add this feat to the first secondary weapon that was not the same as the prime.
    I was going to keep the armor in the AC line, I’ve updated the descriptions for magic weapons, shields and armor.
    No plans for misc equipment yet.

  10. eXaminator says:

    I get your point, especially since we can easily add such Bonuses on our own after we copied the statblock.

    But wouldn’t it be rather easy to change the xisting feats (weapon focus etc.) to some weapon (like Arms) and then changing the prerequisites accordingly? After that you could write a short script that duplicates those feats for all the other weapons. So basicly you’d just have several different feats and each feat would have different prerequisites. I know this wouldn’t be the nicest way of doing this, but I guess (since I don’t know your database) that it would be rather easy. You’d only have to change the feat to just affect weapons with its name instead of the main weapon. If this is to hard to do I’ll give up on this idea and won’t mention it anymore 😉

    What about my AC/Item/Treasure request? Did you think about that? 🙂

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