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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. admin says:

    Hi eXaminator,
    It was a bug that crept in during my last change. it’s back to 2 arms now.
    I was thinking about a popup window for weapon feats (improved crit, weapon focus etc) but it is opening a bit of a can of worms, I’d have to check if prerequisite feats were also for the same weapon. For the amount of times it would be used I’m not sure it would be worth the work.
    e.g. I spent 3 weeks adding in psions and psychic warriors into the d&d 3.5 generator a few months ago, a grand total of 64 have been created out of 10,000+ monsters.

  2. eXaminator says:

    I just noticed antother small bug (with my beloved kraken again *g*):

    It has improved critical for its arms, but in your generator it is only set for one arm. You should change it so that improved critical (and similar feats like weapon focus) work for all wepaons with the same name as the primary weapon (and then consolidate them again to “2 arms …”). Though a possibility wo select a weaponname for such feats would be nice to. I guess it would be ok if you created a feat for each Weapon-type, like “Improved critical (Shortsword). That might be quite a bit of work (since you would have to replicate and change each feat a few times, maybe you can write a script to do this depending on all available Weapon-types) but would add the possibility to add such feats more then once for different weapons.

  3. eXaminator says:

    Yeah, great, it’s much better now. The last thing I’d still like to see changed is the AC line. I think it would be a little bit nicer to have all nonmagical items like armor and weapons (maybe some random treasure too? Just a quick idea of the top of my mind) showing up within the magic items section (which could be relabled to just “items” or even “treasure”) and removing this info about what shield and armor is beeing used in the AC line (that really doesn’t matter when fighting most of the time, it’s only interesting when the party starts looting ;-))

    But I really like your work and how fast you react to requests! Thanks alot for all your work! I’ll surely be using this alot the in the future and if I can spare some money I’ll definetly get a little donation on its way! πŸ™‚

  4. admin says:

    Hi eXaminator,
    Yep I agree with you, changes should now be done.
    I think I’ll add the new printout to the D&D 3.5 generator as well.


  5. eXaminator says:

    Fair enough πŸ™‚

    I think you really improved the statblock alot the last few days, the only thing I still can’t get my head around is the looks of the attacks. I’m fine with the single/full-attack, but the actual look of the attack-lines seem somewhat clutterd up… I’d really like to see the default Pathfinder-ish line here (or even default D&D in that matter since I don’t think that has changed much). So if I just compare that to the besitary

    You now have (Aboleth):
    4 X +10 Tentacle 1d6+5
    The Bestiary has:
    4 tentacles +10 (1d6+5 plus slime)

    Or the Kraken:
    2 X +26 Arms 2d6+10 Crit(19-20)X2
    2 arms +26 (2d6+10/19-20 plus grab)

    The Bestiary puts all attacks in one row as far as possible, I think 1 row per attack is better though… but especially the value-order,

    And I get an empty field with the AC:
    (+26 Natural, , -4 size)

    And another small thing about Armor or Items in general. Your Armor-line is this right now:
    AC 35, Touch 6, flat footed 35 (+1 Leather, +0 Shield, none)
    (+26 Natural, , -4 size, +3 Leather (+1))

    I think this could be reduced to:
    AC 35, Touch 6, flat footed 35 (+26 Natural, -4 size, +3 Armour)
    And the whole Armor (Leather +1) could be mentioned within the Items-Section (which just says Armour +1 +1 AC (1000gp) right now, which looks rather strange with this doubled “+1”. Same with Weapons.) Also it would be nice to seperate the Magic Item section a bit from the rest, maybe by using a over-/underlined heading again and making the Item-Names bold?

  6. admin says:

    Hi eXaminator,
    thanks for your feedback.
    I reckon I’ve done most of your suggestions, it’s been a busy weekend.
    I’ve kept the single attack as it is useful if two-weapon proficiency or rapid shot are used.
    As I’ve only got short descriptions of the powers I’ve kept these next to the powers rather than listing them again in special abilities. I don’t store the full description of powers (or page refs) on the database at present.
    Page refs may be a good idea but I don’t really want to put in full descriptions as the idea of the generator was to produce a small(ish) printout with enough info to run the monsters, not to replace the bestiary.


  7. eXaminator says:

    I really like the impovements so far πŸ™‚ What about the rest I mentioned? Are those coming and just harder to implement?

    But as I mentioned before: You should try to watch out for those nasty commas, colons and semicolons πŸ˜‰ they seem small but can really enhance (or mess up) the overall look of that Statblock. I’m saying this, because I noticed that the commas which are seperating the Special Abilities, are placed infront of each new line instead of the end. But since you made those names bold as requested, I guess you could just remove the commas. πŸ™‚

  8. eXaminator says:

    – The names of special abilities should be bold πŸ™‚

  9. eXaminator says:

    Great, copying it to OpenOffice works great and it looks quite good. But there are still some differences which would be great if you could address them too. I’ll just look over the aboleth (first thing in the list that doesn’t need class levels ;)) and note the differences. Some things might seem a bit to picky, but I’ll state them anyway:

    – basicly the Monster-Type (Huge Aberation) should show up beneath the XPs and beheind a short form of the alignment, not behind the Name. I also noticed the subtype missing. So the headline should be just Aboleth CR 7, then “XP 3,200” and then “LE Huge aberration (aquatic)” (I just noticed that you’ve missspelled aberration ;))

    – Init should be written as a bonus (+5 instead of just 5); The word Senses should be bold and the perception skill should be repeated here; there is a trailing comma, it would be a bit cleaner to get rid of that if possible

    – Beneith the Init and Senses line there should be the “Aura” line if available: Aura mucus cloud (5 feet)

    – DEFENSE is missspelled (you spelled it DEFENCE, is that british english? I’m not sure, but I guess it should match the writing of OFFENSE)

    – The AC should be shown differently, there shouldn’t be any armor mentioned here. It should only show the clear values first and the different bonus in brackets on the same line (and please regard the order, it should be +1 Dex, not Dex +1): AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 19; (+1 Dex, +11 natural, -2 size)

    – The Saves line shouldn’t show the word “Saves” but rather show the Saves-Names (shortcuts as they are now) in bold.

    – Ok, here we have the defensive abilities which is correct, but the mucus cloud (you missspelled thisone too) shouldn’t be here by core. Neither should the description be here. The full description belongs to the special abilities section.

    – Just a minor notice on speed: it would be nice to have “ft.” behind the numbers, besides that it would also be nice to not show “0”-Speeds. And a space between the comma and the next value would be great.

    – Attacks should ONLY be seperated for Melee and Ranged. Pathfinder-Statblocks don’t have “Full Attack” listings since it doesn’t make sense most of the time (you just list the full attack and choose any of those attacks for a single attack). Again it would be nice to have a cleaner look (4 tentacles instead of 4 seperate entrys for each tentacle).
    Critical hits should be shown in a cleaner way and only if it’s not a 20/x2. Also there are some errors with the aboleths stats (have a look at attack bonus and damage). And special effects of an attacks are missing. So it should say “4 tentacles +10 (1d6+5 plus slime)

    – Space and reach should be seperated and should get “ft.” too: Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.

    – Is there a way for you to differentiate special attacks (which the aboleth doesn’t have) and Spell-Like-Abilities?

    – The Statistics of the aboleth are wrong too…

    – In the Base attack line: The colon should be removed while semicolons should be added between the entrys.

    – Feats are basicly just written one after the other without explanation, but I think I prefer the way you do it!

    – Languages should get their own line!

    – Special abilities are missing… do you have complete descriptions of these in your database? Or at least Page references to the Bestiary? But I guess the short descriptions of different powers should be put here (like slime and mucus cloud).

    Ok, that’s quite a lot. Lots of that are just minor cosmetic changes I guess, but would make the end-product a lot cleaner and nicer to work with. The recent changes are a big step forward anyway! πŸ™‚ And you should check the usage of some symbols, especially: colon (is never used in Pathfinder statblocks but makes sense for feat descriptions), semicolons (used do split different “areas” in the same line) and commas (you have a trailing comma at almost every generated listing like skills, feats etc.).

    That said I can’t wait to generate some more monsters πŸ™‚

    Oh, would there be any chance at some point in the future to build “weaker” Monsters? Like reducing the CR of some Monster by 2 and the like?

  10. admin says:

    The formatting should be to standard now, any problems let me now,

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