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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. Flashblade says:

    If you’re not aware of the “proper” Bestiary formatting for NPCs and such, take a look at

    If you are aware, and it’s eventually coming, then don’t mind me.

  2. admin says:

    I’ve also fixed some display problems where everything was in italics.

  3. admin says:

    Hi ulgulu,
    OK sorted it now

  4. admin says:

    Hi Ulgulu,
    I think its something to do with I.E. explorer, it works fine with firefox. I’ll reset the pathfinder to the old version and try and fix this tomorrow.

  5. ulgulu says:


    I have no problem with the DnD generator just the Pathfinder one. I am not taking more than a fw seconds to make an NPC so surely I am not being times out. I am not getting a plain text version in Pathfinder at all.

  6. admin says:

    Hi Ulgulu,
    If you have not pressed recalculate on the creation screen for some time then the session times out and the generator goes back to the selection screen. I would suggest saving your creations now and again, so if it does time out you can always go back to saved the saved NPC.
    I presume this does not happen all the time you are printing? I have just made some amendments to the plain text printing so there are now bold underlines and italics.

  7. ulgulu says:


    Love your Generators! I use them all the time. I am starting a Pathfinder Campaign thisweekend and was going to make and print out some NPC’s. BUt when I clicked on the “plain text version” button it wiped all my info and the plain text version never appears. Wasnt sure if this was a known problem or not. Thanks 🙂

  8. admin says:

    I’ve now added the ice and wood golems, I set the Con on the wood golem to zero as I think the 25 Con in the Bestiary is a misprint (all golems should have zero Con), the 25 con did not effect hps, Fort save or the Splintering special effect in the listing.


  9. eXaminator says:

    Hey, the buffing spells are greate 🙂

    I’d still prefer a Statblock format closer (to the bestiary or at least something that uses the right HTML-Tags for formating (like I said, h1, h2 and h3 would be great because they are copied over to Word and can be formated there). So basicly: The main headline (the name and CR of the Monster) should be H1 (which is a green bar in the bestiary). The “DEFENSE” line and stuff (which are over and underlined) should be a h2. And finally the bold words (AC, Mellee, Ranged and the like) should either be h3 or should have the strong-tag (the b tag ist depricated since it makes stuff bold but doesn’t have a semantic meaning).

    If that’s still coming: please excuse my impatience 😉 This tool is great and it really speeds up things, but it looses this speed a bit if I have to redo the statblock to fit the paizo default statblock (which I think is awsome).

  10. admin says:

    I’ve now added buffing spells to the pathfinder generator. I’ve also changed the plain text print to add bold lettering.

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