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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. admin says:

    HI malletmann,
    I’ve just added materials for armor. I’ll look at weapons next

  2. admin says:

    HI malletmann,
    I’ve now added archetypes for alchemist, I’ve also added the coding to allow magic feats for monsters with caster levels.


  3. admin says:

    Hi Jezza, The scribe scroll is now there.

  4. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,

    Scribe Scroll seems to have ‘dropped off’ as an automatic bonus feat at 1st level for the Wizard class.


  5. admin says:

    Hi malletmann
    I’ll look into special materials

  6. malletmann says:

    Do you think you could include special materials for weapons and armor?

  7. admin says:

    Hi Hythe,
    The Lammasu now has Oracle levels so you may now create your 16th level caster. Have Fun

  8. Hythe says:

    Hello Sir,
    Now that the oracle is up and running, could you adjust the Lammasu? It was created with levels in cleric, but should be able to cast as a 7th level oracle. I’d like to create a Lammasu of 9 levels oracle, so effectively a 16 level caster. help us out?

  9. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,

    The Forge Ring feat comes up with a warning that CL 12 is a prerequisite for the feat – this is wrong, it is only CL 7 for PF rules.


  10. Lazlo Woodbine says:

    Hi Paul,
    ‘Terrifying Howl’ and ‘unexpected strike’ appear to be missing from the barbarian’s list of Rage Powers.

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