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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for the feedback regarding the Oracle class (I thought I might have been leaping in too early).
    The BULETTE (Bestiary 1 page 39) has the following errors:
    1) Burrow speed of 20 ft. instead of 10 ft.;
    2) Leap text should include that a DC 20 Acrobatics check must be made in order to do this special attack;
    3) Acrobatics skill should be an additional bonus of +8 when jumping, not +4 (Bestiary includes +4 for speed, I guess); and
    4) +4 bonus to CMD vs. trip attacks not listed anywhere – you could include it as text under “other” for Special Qualities section (that’s what I do for my home-brew creatures).
    The REMORHAZ (Bestiary 1 page 233) has the following errors:
    1) Low-light vision and Tremorsense 60 ft. not listed;
    2) Immunity to cold & fire not included;
    3) Heat attack text for weapons should be Fort save to avoid any dmg, not just to avoid being melted (as 8d6 fire dmg won’t necessarily destroy every weapon); it should also include that it only applies if the remorhaz is enraged (for instance, if it is surprised, then its Heat ability wouldn’t apply);
    4) Swallow Whole text is wrong, should have ‘AC 15, hp 9’ in text and omit the reference to 25 hp of dmg;
    5) Reach of 15 ft. rather than 10 ft.;
    6) CMD should include ‘cannot be tripped’ – perhaps include it as text under ‘Other’ for SQ;
    7) Languages Giant is correct but should have ‘cannot speak’ in brackets.
    The ROPER (Bestiary 1 page 237) has the following errors:
    1) SR is 27 rather than 30;
    2) Strand dmg listed as 4d8 base, but should be set to no dmg Or 0 dmg;
    3) Drag special attack should be listed as Pull attack under PF rules, and shown as (strand 5 ft.);
    4) CMD should include ‘cannot be tripped’ – perhaps include it as text under ‘Other’ for SQ;
    5) Languages should omit Terran and include Aklo; and
    6) Treasure is standard instead of none.


  2. admin says:

    Hi Jezza,
    I’ve only just started work on the Oracle class I still need to spend another 2 or 3 days on it. I’ll write a post when I’ve got it working properly.


  3. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,

    I see you’ve added the Oracle class – thanks for that.
    You may be aware of the following problems already.
    1) Couldn’t see where the option for your Oracle’s Curse was (should be selected before NPC is fully generated;
    2) The actual Mystery should be chosen before the NPC is generated – then you can make the Revelations selection via the Oracle feats section (which is currently blank and doesn’t allow any selections);
    3) Bonus spells from your Mystery and the selection of either ‘Cure’ or ‘Inflict’ automatic bonus spells at 1st level was not built into the class; and
    4) the actual number of Spells Known appears to be the same as the Spells/Day (for example, a 20th level Oracle with a 22 Charisma can cast 6 ninth-level spells/day, but should only know 3 base spells plus her Mystery spell, but generator is giving selection of six spells, as if the Oracle were not a spontaneous spell-caster?).
    As I said earlier, you may already be aware of these problems and looking at rectifying them in the near future.
    Just letting you know.


  4. admin says:

    Hi Jezza,
    I’ve updated the spells.
    The Uncanny Dodge feat means that the rogue is never flat footed so you should just ignore the flat footed AC. However a Rogue can still be caught off by a Feint in which case you can use the flat footed AC.


  5. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,

    I just generated a few mid-level clerics and I noticed that Chaos Hammer, Holy Smite, Orders Wrath, and Unholy Blight are not appearing on the level 4 spell list for clerics unless you take the corresponding Domain – this is per the 3.5 rules, but they should be on the spell list for PF clerics (as long as alignment / deity allows them, and the generator doesn’t know these).
    Also, if a creature has the Uncanny Dodge ability, why does the generator deduct Dex bonus (and Dodge feat) from the flat-footed AC?
    Could you please look into these points when you have the time.


  6. admin says:

    Hi malletmann,
    It seems they have added paths since I created the psionic classes. I’ll have a look at what else has changed and upgrade them.

  7. malletmann says:

    The psychic warrior class doesn’t seem finished; there aren’t any references to Paths in the class features.

  8. admin says:

    Hi malletmann,
    The Mephits should all be there now, let me know if you find any problems

  9. admin says:

    Hi Jezza, I’ve now limited the number of attack to 4 and updated the Vrock

  10. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,

    I just created a high CR outsider with 25 base HD and assigned it a manufactured weapon as its primary weapon – the generator is assigning it 5 atks/round, but it should only be 4/round maximum (per Scaling Powers section on page 407 of Core Rulebook).
    Can you fix this – I realise this type of problem will only occur rarely given the CR / level range for this type of monster, but I could miss it if I’m in a rush.


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