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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,

    When you get the chance, could you make the following corrections to the base Behir monster from Bestiary 1.
    1) No longer has the Scent ability;
    2) Now 10 HD (not 9);
    3) AC should be 21, not 10;
    4) Climb speed of 20 ft. instead of 15 ft.;
    5) Bite dmg now 2d6 instead of 2d4;
    6) Constrict dmg is 2d8+9 instead of 2d8+8;
    7) Rake dmg is 1d4+6 instead of 1d4+4;
    8) Grab text should include any size foe, and deals constrict dmg in any round it establishes a hold;
    9) Swallow Whole should include Large size, 2d8+9 dmg, AC 16, 10 hp in text;
    10) Skills are slightly different; shouldn’t have Survival skill, Perception increases by +1;
    Treasure is Std x2, not Std x1.


  2. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,
    I love the new ‘look’ to the site, very professional and always easy to use.

  3. admin says:

    Hi Malletmann, I am going to have to do code changes for the magic feats and anti-paladin spells, hopefully get it sorted next week. Busy in a contract at the moment.

  4. malletmann says:

    When I tried to build an advanced Aranea, the magic feats weren’t available to it, despite it having sorcerer casting.

  5. malletmann says:

    I’ve noticed the spell list for the anti-paladin is incorrect.

  6. admin says:

    Hi Jezza, I’ve updated the Barbed Devil

  7. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,
    Just a few small corrections for the base BARBED DEVIL when you have the time.
    1) Fear is not an aura, could you include ‘if hit by its claws’ in the text (not just ‘if hit’).
    2) +10 nat armour (not +13).
    3) SR is 22, not 23.
    4) Summon ability does not include 1d6 bearded devils.
    5) Spell-like abilities, at will, should include produce flame and pyrotechnics.
    6) Spellcraft is +12 (not +16); Survival is +13 (not +12).
    7) Individual languages not listed.

  8. admin says:

    Hi Jezza, I think I’m up to date with the fixes at the moment. The Oracle will probably be next month as I’ve got another contract on at the moment, so am only doing fixes to the site.

  9. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,
    Just used PF Add Monster to create a Large sized Humanoid that uses a greatsword, selected 3d6 base dmg (per size), but when I go to generator, the base dmg resets to 2d8?
    Can you look into this this (when you get the time).

  10. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,
    Any chance of removing Mage’s Freezing Sphere from the PF level 4 Sorc/Wizard spell list.
    It is actually Resilient Sphere, which you’ve already included on the list. Freezing Sphere is a level 6 spell (also already included as level 6 spell).

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