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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. eXaminator says:

    It seems that Ice- and Woodgolems are missing!

  2. admin says:

    I’ve now re-updated the Kracken.


  3. eXaminator says:

    The KRaken still isn’t 100% correct:
    – Speed should be 10, not 30
    – Swim speed should be 40, not 20
    – The reach should be 20 (60 with arm, 40 with tentacle) though this might a bit hrad to do… but the current 50 is wrong anyway
    – as far as the book says, constrict is only available for tentacles with 1d8+10 while you mention 2d8+12 and 1d6+6… so this is a bit complicated… the base damage for tentacle is 1d8+5 since it’s a secondary attack (I guess), so only half Str bonus. But in the book it gets its full Str bonus on constrict. This is fine since the constrict rule only says that it “usually” does the same damage as the regular attack. The Arms aren’t mentioned for constrict at all… I think that might be a bug, but the generator should probably try to stay as close to the books as possible, right?
    – It would be nice for the coming statblock to have similar attacks together in one line (like 8 tentacles and 2 arms).
    – Will is to high, it should only be 11.

    That’s all I noticed for now 😉

  4. eXaminator says:

    Hi Paul,

    ok, I’ll keep on testing and report anything I notice!

  5. admin says:

    Hi eXaminator,
    Just reporting any errors you find is extremely useful, testing was always my weakest point. I’ve already started working on the stat box, don’t think it’s a big Job.

  6. eXaminator says:

    Hi Paul,

    if there’s any way I could help you to improve this generator further (like checking monster stats in the DB or creating some sort of Template for a bit nicer/cleaner Statblock or anything) let me know, I’d love to help.

    Anyway, you’re doing a great job, I’ve hardly ever seen someone reacting this fast to bug notices and feature requests 😉

  7. admin says:

    Hi eXaminator,
    The Trogs stench was based CHR, I’ve now changed this to CON, I’ve also updated Kraken to pathfinder.

  8. eXaminator says:

    The Kraken has wrong stats.

  9. eXaminator says:

    Oh just found another Bug with the troglodyte’s Stench Aura. In the headline it says DC(17) while the description says DC 13.

    Tested with a level 10 cleric Trog.

    Reading the Rules it should be 10 + 1/2 racial HD + Con-Mod. So the 13 would be correct with Con 14 and 2 racial HD. The 17 would be correct if you took all HD (not only racial) into account.

    Though changing the Con value to 16 doesn’t seem to affect any of the two DCs. Maybe because 14 is the default Con for Trogs?

  10. admin says:

    Hi eXaminator,
    I’ve taken out Cure Minor Wounds and Grapple, but will have to revisit all monsters and store the grapple bonus if applicable and add to the print (I never noticed it).

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