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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. admin says:

    Hi Jezza, I’ve updated the minotaur.

  2. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,
    I just created a minotaur fighter, and I noticed a few small errors with the default minotaur monster.
    1) gore dmg is 1d6, not 1d8
    2) powerful charge is 2d6 base, not 4d6 base
    3) minotaurs don’t usually have Common as a language
    These might be the 3.5 stats?

  3. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,
    That wasn’t the reason, Perception was maxed out in both cases. It must have been a ‘one-off’ glitch, because I added several other aberrations later in the day, and Perception was always a PF class skill.
    Thanks for adding all the skills to Skill Focus feat.

  4. admin says:

    Hi jezzakstyles, You need at least 1 point in a skill to get the class skill bonus, is that the reason?
    I’ve added the skill focus feats

  5. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,
    I just added two aberration type creatures using the Monster Creator tool – both had ranks in Perception. The first one was OK & displayed +3 misc bonus for being a class skill, but the second one did not?
    The second creature was very simple in comparison to the first.
    Is there any reason why this should occur?
    PS – any chance of adding all of the PF skills as an option for the Skill Focus feat?

  6. todritter says:

    The pathfinder npc generator says the npc needs at least 6 levels or hit dice to take a prestige class but many PrC’s are available to be taken as the 6th level (Assassin for example).
    Is there a reason for that or should it be changed?

  7. malletmann says:

    A few things:
    Could you have an option for showing the result of Power Attack, Combat Expertise, etc.?
    Could you display a character’s Concentration modifier?
    The Anti-paladin’s spell list is wrong, as of now.

  8. admin says:

    Hi malletmann
    I’ve added the staggered quality to all zombies now.
    Thanks for reporting

  9. malletmann says:

    I don’t see zombies as having the Staggered quality.

  10. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,
    The first monster was called Skeletal Lord, it has a divine variant and an arcane variant, and both are working OK now.
    The second monster is a variant of the Dark Naga from Bestiary 1 – all I’ve done is allow it to advance in effective sorcerer levels as it increases racial HD, starting as Sorcerer 7. It’s still allowing access to 4th level spells as Sorcerer 7.
    It’s nothing major as I can just dummy up a sorcerer 7 with same Cha score and ‘lose’ the Bloodline spells & benefits to get the correct spell list – it’s just a problem if I’m rushing & forget.

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