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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. eXaminator says:

    Oh, and please remove the grapple value from the statblock. Grapple is only addressed seperatly if a creature gets a bonus: CMB +18 (grapple +22)

  2. eXaminator says:

    Hi there,

    just found another minor bug: Level 0 Spell “Cure Minor Wounds” doesn’t exist in Pathfinder anymore (since level 0 spells can be cast an unlimited number of times per day).

  3. admin says:

    Hi eXaminator,
    Keep the comments flowing, I’m not running any Pathfinder games at the moment so I’m not using the generator and don’t find the problems, so your comments are very useful.
    I’ve now put a fix in for double slice and for feats effecting skills when they were not listed. I’ve also added an extra attack button.
    I’ll look into better display format, and give some thought about giving bonuses to secondary attacks.

  4. eXaminator says:

    No problem, glad I could help 🙂

    Though I’d really like a more Pathfinder-ish statblock (they removed attack/full attack but seperated melee and range for example).

    A more formated version of the statblock would be nice, too. I’m thinking of a statblock that uses “h1 – h3” and/or “strong” tags correctly. This way, we could copy the stats and paste them into word. Then we would only have to create some formating rules for the headers in word and we had some nice statblocks. A printable version of that formated statblock would be nice, too.

    You probably know, there are tons of monsters you could use as example on how to format the statblock.

    If there’s any way I could help you I’d be glad to do so. I work as a web-developer myself and can only imagine how much work you’ve put into those generators 😉

    And while I’m giving some ideas on how to improve this generator anyway, here are a few things that come to my mind:
    – It would be great to be able to add new attacks. While building a Half-Dragon Drow I wanted to give it a Greatsword. But for that I had to remove one claw attack. A way to group attacks (attack a, attack b OR attack c, attack d) would be really nice. And a way to improve secondary weapons magically (or by Weapon Focus and other similar feats) should be added, too. Especially for Two-weapon fighters that use two different weapons!

    Oh, I just noticed something else. I thought I had a bug yesterday regarding the double slice feat not beeing taken into account on secondary hand damage. But while trying to recreate this issue I actually have the problem vice versa: I always seem to get the whole Str-Bonus even though I just deselected the feat. It’s a level 4 Drow ranger [two weapon] using Rapier and Shortsword (none magic) with Str 16. Am I missing something? Thus Double Slice doesn’t seem to have any impact on the damage right now…

    I guess I’m kinda spaming your comments and I’m sorry for that. But I’d really like to see some handy features and bugfixes here since I see great potential in your generator! 🙂

  5. admin says:

    Hi eXaminator,
    Thanks for that, I was looking at the 3.5 database for magic items, I’ve now fixed that so its looking at the pathfinder database. I know about the bug where the Stealthy feat does not effect the skills if there is no stealthy skill already there. I’ll have a look at fixing that, it was on my to do list.

  6. eXaminator says:

    Hi there,

    I was able to reproduce it and I think it is related to the Cloak of Elvenkind!

    I build a Drow Fighter 5 (light archer, no template). Though I noticed that neither Hide nor Stealth showed up initially. I picked the Stealthy Feat, recalculated and still didn’t get a Stealth entry (which seems to be a bug of its own, since it should show every Skill where there is any bonus other the the ability score). After adding a Cloak of Elvenkind I actually got the Hide Skill shown.

  7. admin says:

    Hi eXaminator,
    I’ve fixed the Cleave problem (it was due to a recent change I’d done). I can’t find a hide skill in the pathfinder NPC generator though. Can you reproduce the error and then tell me what race/template/classes and skill focus you were using?


  8. eXaminator says:

    ok, ignore the Composite Bow thing, I just totally overlooked that the whole Str-Bonus ist included into the damage. That’s a good solution, sry for that ^^

  9. eXaminator says:

    Sure, it was da Drow Fighter.

    And I think it’s a Bug: I’m just trying to build a Drow Half-Dragon which works quite well (Fighter/Sorcerer). Until I wanted to select the Cleave Feat which was available only within the Fighter Feats. I couldn’t select it as a normal Feat. Is that supposed to be this way?

    And a major Problem I just encountered, maybe there is a solution I don’t see: How can I choose the amount of additional Damage (based on Str) a Composite Longbow can deal? I right now try to build a NPC with a Composite Longbow [+3] +1. I select the +1 as Magic Item at the bottom, but I can’t find any way to get the +3 damage from strength.

  10. admin says:

    Hi eXaminator,
    I thought I’d changed all the hide skills to stealth, do you remember which monster you were creating?

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