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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. admin says:

    Hi monkplayer, if you want to adjust the amounts of potions you will have to do this manually you can make notes on the generated NPC’s and save them.
    At present there is no way to add 2 +1 abilities to a weapon, again if you wanted to do this buy a +2 ability weapon and use the notes to add the other ability.
    I will look into adding an Archaeologist NPC a day. Indy esc maybe… Have to think of a back story

  2. monkplayer says:

    Is there not an option to add more than one +1 special ability to a weapon? I see where you can have a +2 weapon with a single +2 ability, but not an option to add multiple +1 special abilities? Is this correct or have I missed how to add multiple special +1 abilities?

  3. monkplayer says:

    How do you add multiples of one type of potion? I have a character that has all four potions choices being used on your NPC generator. However, one of the four different potion types being used is Cure Serious Wounds. I can only buy ONE of this type of potion with your NPC generator? Have I missed a way to pick more of this specific potion? Is there a way to add 4,5, 7, etc., of these potions to a SINGLE drop down arrow choice? Maybe a second arrow to pick the number you want of an item like a potion?

  4. monkplayer says:

    Me again. Do you want to go ahead and charge me double for a life time membership. It’s rather obvious I’m going to be a “high maintenance” member! 😉 Can you set up a templet based on the Game Mastery page 296 “Scholars”? I’m unable to find any type of NPC a Day or NPC generator for an Archaeologist. This would be the type of NPC that fits well with an Pathfinder Society adventurer looking for lost treasure. What say you?
    The Archaeologist is a 7 level rouge but has skills, feats, and gear based around archaeology so it wouldn’t be too difficult a build. I obviously can build this but see it as a benefit for all GMs.

  5. monkplayer says:

    How are you calculating the NPC’s gold worth? It seems to be very low for 5-6 level characters? Am I missing something, which is probable since I’m a brand new GM.

  6. admin says:

    Hi Jeremy
    I’ve added bleed and put back in sleight of hand

  7. jezzakstyles says:

    Hi Paul,
    I’ve just noticed that the Sleight of Hand skill is not appearing in the drop-down box in the Monster Creator Add/Edit tool for Pathfinder.
    Also, any chance of adding Bleed as a special attack option in the drop down section (it’s a fairly common one).

    Cheers (again)

  8. jezzakstyles says:

    Thanks for the quick response – I’ll just add the MC bonus or penalty into the Fly skill accordingly. It’s a good, common-sense workaround.

  9. admin says:

    Adding a Deity favored weapon would mean adding a Deity table which would mean selecting a deity rather than domains. You can select an invalid weapon, the generator will not give any negatives it will just show it in red.

  10. admin says:

    Hi jezzakstyles
    I’ve been adding the to the the extra fly skill points to the monster race bonus skills(including the size check). I will look at adding it in but will have to run a conversion on monsters already set up

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