Cookie named 'dd_user_id' is not set!Pathfinder « Dingles Games
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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. admin says:

    Hi Malletmann, I’ve taken the fire aura off the Gold wyrmling. It should only appear on old golds.

  2. malletmann says:

    When I punched in a Half-Celestial Gold Dragon wyrmling, it had a Fire Aura.

    (I like to play around a lot.)

  3. admin says:

    Hi Malletman, I’ve just checked the Demons and it looks as if cold iron only effects the lesser demons, the greater ones are all /Good.
    The Alignment was just defaulted to the monsters. I’ll default Paladins to LG.

  4. malletmann says:

    A couple of minor things I’d like to let you know about.
    -Demon:Vrock isn’t shown to have Cold Iron bypass DR. I’m not sure about the other demons.
    -When I made an elf paladin, its alignment was listed as Chaotic Good.

    Not really bugs, but I thought you’d want to know if you didn’t.

  5. admin says:

    Hi maldal, Glad to hear it’s working, have fun!

  6. maldal says:


    It works!

    Ok, this is how I fixed it.

    Went into Privacy. Removed (even though it was listed as an ‘Allowed’ site). Readded as an ‘Allowed’ site. Closed IE. Reopened IE. It worked.

    Thanks! The site is awesome – expect a paypal kickback soonest 🙂

  7. admin says:

    Hi maldal
    I can only recreate the error by disabling cookies. Did you press f5 after enabling cookies?
    If you enter the login/register tab top left does it give you an error message?
    If you login what does it say in the bottom box on the left hand side. it should say “Logged on as maldal”?


  8. maldal says:


    Whelp, I tried that in IE, and have updated FireFox to do the same, and I still get the issue.

    Let me put a step-by-step (and, if need be, I’ll find a place to take some screenshots and post them).

    1) Open IE 9
    2) hand enter
    3) when page is loaded, click on “Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator”
    4) Select Monster: “Half Orc”
    5) Select Class: “Fighter”
    6) Select Level: “10”
    7) Set Initial Stat values to Non-elite
    8) Generate Monster
    9) On new monster character sheet, observe pull-down selector on line one of monster character sheet:

    Fighter [ Fighter ] Level: [[Pull-Down]]

    10) Change Primary Weapon to any martial or basic weapon (I used heavy mace, Warhammer, halberd and club)
    11) Click the recalculate button under “Ranged Weapon” without modifying the pull-down menu specified on Step 9
    12) When the character sheet is recalculated, it will be recalculated to Level 1 (HP, BAB, etc) without recalculating Attributes, Feats or Skills

    Thus far, I can reproduce this on IE9 and Firefox 15.0.1

  9. admin says:

    Hi maldan I think the problem is probably to do with cookies not being enabled on your computer have a look at this link let me know if it helps

  10. maldal says:


    After generating a monster in the Pathfinder Generator, I notice that there is a pulldown next to the monster level that, no matter what I put as the initial level of the monster I want to generate, is between 1 and 5.

    If I edit my NEW monster in anyway, and recalculate, it takes the value of the level (1,2,3,4,5) and uses that as the new base level of the monster.

    So, if I generate a 10th level Half-Orc barbarian, kit him out, and decide to give him a heavy club instead of a battle axe or falchion, and I recalculate once I give him his new weapons and gear, and the pulldown is on 1, it recalculates as a 1st level Half-Orc barbarian, and I cannot reset it past 5th level.

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