Cookie named 'dd_user_id' is not set!Pathfinder « Dingles Games
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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. admin says:

    Hi Caduceus,
    Thanks for reporting the error. I rely on users to point out any errors as I am not DMing at the moment, and am spending my time on the site adding in new material. I’ve corrected the Dragon

  2. Caduceus says:

    Your Pathfinder dragons don’t have the right stats as default. I haven’t tested them all, but a Young Green Dragon should be large, not medium.

  3. aaronsher says:

    Could you add undine to the list of available monsters? They pretty much require class levels to be useful as a GM.


  4. DMCal says:

    Thanks for the fix!

  5. admin says:

    Hi deep77,
    The blur spell seems to be working Ok (2nd level spell), can you give it another go. I’ve also fixed the damage on mighty fists

  6. deep77 says:

    amulet of mighty fists, not natural armor, my bad

  7. deep77 says:

    also, i should be able to add weapon proberties to amulet of natural armor, according to pathfinder PG

  8. deep77 says:

    i have tried with a XILL sorcerer, and a centaur wizard and with a solar sorcerer (just for the heck of it)

    i have also just noted, that amulet of mighty fists, doesnt update the natural attack damage (on the dire ape)

  9. admin says:

    Hi Deep77,
    Which monster are you trying to create?

  10. deep77 says:

    i cant find the 2nd level arcane spell: Blur
    when i try to make a pathfinder monster with arcane class levels

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