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Pathfinder RPG NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 20)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. Dave says:

    Hey, thanks for making this thing, it really cuts down on prep time.

    Now that the praise is done, here’s a request/suggestion:

    Could you make it so the plain text stat block looks like the Pathfinder monster stat blocks in the Bestiary? It’d make referencing details easier if the format matches monsters and NPCs that are collected from other sources.

    Again, thanks for this GM tool 😀

  2. admin says:

    Thanks pfrpges,
    I’ve now fixed this

  3. pfrpges says:

    Hello, nice great generator.

    A minor bug I found for the NPC Pathfinder Generator: It says that the feat “Vital Strike” requires Dex 15 and Dodge, which is not rigth.

  4. admin says:

    Hi Jay,
    Sorry to be so long to respond, just come back from a week away.
    I will be adding in the Ogre Mage plus the other new pathfinder monsters at some stage. It was not intentional I just converted the 3.5 monsters to pathfinder first.

  5. Jay says:


    Love the site – I use it all the time. It is my preferred way of generating NPCs and Monsters now. Just a quick thing I noticed tonight – Ogre Mage do not show up as an option under the Pathfinder NPC window. Was this an oversight, or was this intentional?

    Thanks again. Your site is great and I have all of my players using it.

  6. admin says:

    Hi Ray,
    Thanks for the comment I’m glad you find the tools useful (spread the word)
    You were right I was not calculating the CR correctly when the NPC level was greater than the PC level. I’ve just done a fix so hopefully it will now be fixed.
    Do report any other problems you find.

  7. Ray says:

    Hey noticed a problem with the npc gen on the Pathfinder area. When you combine levels from npc classes and regular classs the CR doesn’t function correctly. I made a ogre 10 warrior/8 Barbarian that had a final CR of 12.
    By the way, I greatly enjoy your site. I’ve been a DM for over 22 years and game 2 times a week and I found your site while looking for a treasure generator. Now I use it almost every week.
    I’ve seen aplications such as heroforge but I like your formats better. Awsome work.

  8. […] bin mittlerweile dazu über gegangen, diese NSC einfach mit dem Generator von Dingles Games zu bauen. Dauert auch bei hochstufigen NSC nur ein paar Minuten.  Andere tausche […]

  9. […] Hier noch ein Kurzer Linktipp. Bei Dingles Games gibt es einen D&D 3.5 NSC-Generator. […]

  10. […] eben – virtuell – über einen coolen NSC-Generator für D&D und Pathfinder […]

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