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D&D 3.5 NPC Generator

Monster Selection by Letter:

Select Classes (optional)

Paid users can select a second class and a prestige class
Skill Focus
Level (max level for paid users is 30)
Initial Stat values:

Elite (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Nonelite (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)

  1. hoverfrog says:

    I agree with Nonei. A quick ‘cannon fodder’ option would be very useful.

    In addition there are lists of feats from a variety of sources available. I tend to dip in and out of source books so might have an NPC with feats from Libre Mortis and Eberron Campaign Setting for example. If you are adding other source books then having an option to choose them early on would be great.

    I’m not criticising BTW, I think that the tools you’ve made are great but you did ask for suggestions. 😉

    Having an option to generate a themed NPC\monster party quickly would also be useful. Want a Necromancer with a Barbarian bodyguard and a bunch of skeleton gnolls? That would be great.

  2. Nonei says:

    I use the generator all the time. I would love to see a “simple” or basic generator to quickly make a group of generic NPCs – I’m talking about the kind of NPCs that will only see the light of day for 3 rounds if they’re lucky.

    For example, the races list might only include the most common humanoids. For class, you might choose the class and then, for example, for fighter you might have a choice of ‘archer’ or ‘melee’ or ‘sword and board’; for wizard or sorcerer you might have choices of ‘mostly damage spells’ or ‘mostly illusion/enchantment’ etc.

    Then the generator would bring up the stats with the most likely feats in a progression already selected, perhaps even weapon selected (that’s easy enough to edit), spells already picked based on the selection, etc. That would be my ideal generator for those poor NPCs!

  3. Jordan says:

    I’d recommend adding a Gestalt option.

  4. mnevill says:

    Hi Paul,

    I just realized something that hasn’t been implemented, which could be useful, which is a “age” category for NPCs. I’m wanting to generate a middle aged human rogue/ranger, and just realized that I’ll need to manually adjust the abilities so they come out right. A button which does that ahead of time would be cool.

  5. Becker says:

    Hey, I was wondering if you could add the Astral Deva from the MM1 to the list of monsters. Thanks!

  6. admin says:

    Hi Mike
    I’ve only had this problem when I’ve left the computer for a while on the page and it times out. I would suggest pressing recalc now and again to refresh the page, also save the NPC if you are leaving the computer for a while.

  7. mike says:

    Question sometimes when I’m setting up a npc I push recalculate like after picking spells the generator goes back to the main page and I have to start over on that npc how can I stop it from doing that?

  8. admin says:

    Hi Josha,
    The Pathfinder is a bit more complicated than I first thought. I’m half way through the characters, so will still be a few more weeks I’m afraid.

  9. josha says:

    when will pathfinder be done?

  10. admin says:

    Hi Mnevill,
    I’ve now added in metamagic spells to the spell lists. You need to press recalculate after you enter the feat for the extra spells to appear.
    PS the ranges and description of the spells remain unchanged, so you will have to make any adjustments yourself.


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