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Pathfinder Animal Companions

I’ve been working on adding animal companions to the Pathfinder Generator, Ive added a new menu option for them so it will only display animal companions on the selection list (and animal companions do not appear on the Pathfinder RPG NPC generator list).
There are two versions of each animal to select either (1-3) and (4+) or (1-6) and (7+) depending on the animal. These numbers correspond to the level of the character you are creating the animal companion for. So creating an animal companion for a 5th level druid use either (4+) or (1-6) version of the animal.
Remember to subtract 3 off the level for Ranger animal companions.

If anyone finds any problems let me know. I have made quite a lot of changes to the generator to create animal companions so if any one finds anything unusual in the NPC Generator also tell me.

I’m still adding in the animals to the database if anyone wants a particular companion added let me know.

Monster Race Bonus Skills and Future Ammendments

I am currently working on separating monster race bonus skills from their skill ranks and adding them as a misc bonus. This will allow monsters with race bonuses to break the skill cap. At the moment the generator does not allow skills to break the cap.
I will hopefully have this amendment working in the next week.
If anyone has any other requirements they want me to look into let me know.
My current priorities are:
1. Monster Race Skills and free Feats. (Race Skills for pathfinder are now complete and appear as a misc bonus)
2. Auto Generations of magic treasure for NPCs
3. Look into creating gangs of statted monsters e.g. Orc village, Town watch, Gang of Ogres
4. Adding a PC Generator with ability to level up.

Number 3 may be a bit difficult, so if any one has any ideas on how this will work please let me know.

Need Plot Ideas?

If you need some plot ideas for your adventures try
Gnome Mullets Ideas Grab
and then create the NPC’s and monsters on Dingles Games Monster/NPC Generators.

The Lion man

lion-man Another adventure I recently ran

The Vampires Nest

Click here to view The Vampire Nest An adventure for 9th-12th level characters…

Wererat infestation

An adventure for 6-8th level characters.


Borrin Dautram is a defence attorney for the local town, he is also a wererat. He has built an underground network of thieves, spies, and enforcers. With his job he has good contacts with many types of rogue and other criminals.


At present he has 20 wererats working for him. 10 1st level rogues 5 2nd level rogues and 5 1st level warriors. He also has a butler Charlie. Who is 4th Fighter/2nd Rogue wererat


Borrin uses the sewer network to travel and meet his men.  He has a secret entrance to the sewers in his home.


His next step is to infiltrate the elite of town, he plans to kidnap members of the society and ransom them back. While kidnapped he will infect them with lycanthropy. The kidnaps will always occur 3-4 days before the full moon. The kidnapped are then taken to a secret room in the sewers (underneath Boris’ house) where they are locked up and infected. If the ransom was paid they are released a few days after the full moon. If no ransom was paid they are kept for another month so they realise the truth about their lycanthropy infection, and then, if they agree to be part of the conspiracy, they are let go. If they don’t agree they are killed and left in the streets.  Born uses his sense motive skill to determine if they are telling the truth.


A kidnap gang consists of Borrin (in disguise), Charlie and 3 other wererats


Ransom demands must be paid in gems and placed in inflated pigs bladders; they are to be dropped in the sewers during the next rainy day. The wererats will easily be able to find these packages in the flooded sewer and the speed of the sewer will stop them being easily followed. The water will also remove any trace of tracks.


 Adventure hooks

Tharack a local shop owner has been kidnapped. Reward of 500pg for rescue.


A local farm has been very quiet the last few days the animals unfed and cows un- milked. Investigation will reveal all the family dead, many bite marks. One person is missing, the eldest son. He has recently been infected by Borrin and could not control his urge and went on a killing frenzy. Investigation (DC 15 gather information or local knowledge) will reveal he has been in trouble lately with suspected cattle rustling, he managed to get off it though (lack of evidence), papers at the farm show Borrin was his defence attorney.      




Borrins Items


 +2 amulet of natural armour

+2 Rapier

Silver dagger

+1 Crossbow, light

Ring of Chameleon

Ring of mind shielding

Potion of CMW *2


Charlie Items


+1 ring of protection

+1 silver short sword


Name: Borrin Dautrum

Wererat, Human form (Medium Humanoid)

Rogue level 6 (skill points 66) Bluffer

Expert level 3 (skill points 27) Lawyer

Hit die: 1d8+6d6+3d6(36hp)

Init: 1

Speed: 30

AC: 18 +2 amulet natural armour,    Leather

AC flat footed :17

AC Touch: 13

Base Attack/Grapple: 7/8

Attack: +10 (+2/+2) Rapier 1d6+3

    or  +9 (+1/+1) Crossbow, light 1d8+1

Full attack: +10/5 (+2/+2) Rapier 1d6+3

    or  +9 (+1/+1) Crossbow, light 1d8+1(range 80)

Space/Reach: 5/5

Special Attacks: Disease Filth fever DC12 1d3 days 1d3 dex 1d3 con, Other Curse of Lycanthropy DC15,

Sneak attack Sneak attack at an extra (D6) 3

Special Qualities: Change shape Gain Rat, Damage reduction 10 silver, Low-light Vision , Other Rat empathy, Scent ,

Evasion Reflex save no damage instead of 1/2

Trap Sense Reflex save and AC when dealing with traps bonus 2

Trapfinding Can find magical traps

Uncanny Dodge Retains Dex bonus if flat footed

Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +6

Abilities: Str 12, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 17, Wis 9, Chr 14

Skills: Bluff 17, Climb 2, Decipher Script 6, Diplomacy 19, Disguise 8(+10) = 18, Forgery 3, Gather Information 2, Handle Animal 2, Heal -1, Hide 6 (+10) = 16, Intimidate 19, Know history 3, Listen 4, Move Silently 6, Perform Oratory 12, Sense Motive 11, Spot 1, Swim 3, Tumble 14,

Feats: Armour prof light, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Iron Will, Negotiator, Persuasive, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Finesse,

CR: 9.5


Name: Borrin

Wererat, Dire rat (Small Humanoid)

Rogue level 6 (skill points 66) Bluffer

Expert level 3 (skill points 27) Lawyer

Hit die: 1d8+6d6+3d6+10(46hp)

Init: 4

Speed: 40,fly 0,swim 0,climb 20,burrow 0

AC: 18 + No Armour + Shield, none

AC flat footed :14

AC Touch: 15

Base Attack/Grapple: 7/4

Attack: +12  Bite 1d4+1

Full attack: +12  Bite 1d4+1

Space/Reach: 5/5

Special Attacks: Disease Filth fever DC12 1d3 days 1d3 dex 1d3 con, Other Curse of Lycanthropy DC15,

Sneak attack Sneak attack at an extra (D6) 3

Special Qualities: Change shape Gain Rat, Damage reduction 10 silver, Low-light Vision , Other Rat empathy, Scent ,

Evasion Reflex save no damage instead of 1/2

Trap Sense Reflex save and AC when dealing with traps bonus 2

Trapfinding Can find magical traps

Uncanny Dodge Retains Dex bonus if flat footed

Saves: Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +6

Abilities: Str 12, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 9, Chr 14

Skills: Bluff 17, Climb 12, Decipher Script 6, Diplomacy 19, Disguise 8, Forgery 3, Gather Information 2, Handle Animal 2, Heal -1, Hide 12, Intimidate 19, Know history 3, Listen 3, Move Silently 8, Perform Oratory 12, Sense Motive 11, Spot 1, Swim 12, Tumble 17,

Feats: Armour prof light, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Iron Will, Negotiator, Persuasive, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Finesse,

CR: 9.5




Name: Borrin

Wererat, Hybrid (Medium Humanoid)

Rogue level 6 (skill points 66) Bluffer

Expert level 3 (skill points 27) Lawyer

Hit die: 1d8+6d6+3d6+10(46hp)

Init: 4

Speed: 30

AC: 21 +2 amulet of natural armour 

AC flat footed :17

AC Touch: 14

Base Attack/Grapple: 7/8

Attack: +13 (+2/+2) Rapier 1d6+3

    or  +12 (+1/+1) Crossbow, light 1d8+1

Full attack: +13/8 (+2/+2) Rapier 1d6+3

    or  +12 (+1/+1) Crossbow, light 1d8+1(range 80)

Space/Reach: 5/5

Special Attacks: Disease Filth fever DC12 1d3 days 1d3 dex 1d3 con, Other Curse of Lycanthropy DC15,

Sneak attack Sneak attack at an extra (D6) 3

Special Qualities: Change shape Gain Rat, Damage reduction 10 silver, Low-light Vision , Other Rat empathy, Scent ,

Evasion Reflex save no damage instead of 1/2

Trap Sense Reflex save and AC when dealing with traps bonus 2

Trapfinding Can find magical traps

Uncanny Dodge Retains Dex bonus if flat footed

Saves: Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +6

Abilities: Str 12, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 9, Chr 14

Skills: Bluff 17, Climb 1, Decipher Script 6, Diplomacy 19, Disguise 8, Forgery 3, Gather Information 2, Handle Animal 2, Heal -1, Hide 10, Intimidate 19, Know history 3, Listen 4, Move Silently 9, Perform Oratory 12, Sense Motive 11, Spot 1, Swim 12, Tumble 17,

Feats: Armour prof light, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Iron Will, Negotiator, Persuasive, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Finesse,

CR: 9.5



Name: Charlie

Wererat, Human form (Medium Humanoid)

Rogue level 2 (skill points 18) Acrobat

Fighter level 4 (skill points 12) Fighter/Thief

Hit die: 1d8+2d6+4d10+7(41hp)

Init: 3

Speed: 30

AC: 19 +1 Leather + Shield, none

AC flat footed :16

AC Touch: 13

Base Attack/Grapple: 6/8

Attack: +11 (+1/+1) Sword, short 1d6+5

    or  +9  Crossbow, light 1d8

Full attack: +9/4 (+1/+1) Sword, short 1d6+5

                   +8 Sword, short 1d6+3

    or  +9  Crossbow, light 1d8(range 80)

Space/Reach: 5/5

Special Attacks: Disease Filth fever DC12 1d3 days 1d3 dex 1d3 con, Other Curse of Lycanthropy DC15,

Sneak attack Sneak attack at an extra (D6) 1

Special Qualities: Change shape Gain Rat, Damage reduction 10 silver, Low-light Vision , Other Rat empathy, Scent ,

Evasion Reflex save no damage instead of 1/2

Trapfinding Can find magical traps

Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +3

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 11, Chr 9

Skills: Balance 9, Climb 8, Disable Device 1, Escape Artist 5, Handle Animal -1, Heal 0, Hide 5, Intimidate 5, Jump 10, Listen 1, Open Lock 4, Ride 3, Search 1, Sleight of Hand 3, Spot 0, Swim 6, Tumble 10, Use Rope 4,

Feats: Blind-fight, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Acrobat, Agile, Armour prof heavy, Armour prof light, Armour prof medium, Iron Will, Martial Weap Prof, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse,

CR: 7



Name: Charlie

Wererat, Dire rat (Small Humanoid)

Rogue level 2 (skill points 18) Acrobat

Fighter level 4 (skill points 12) Fighter/Thief

Hit die: 1d8+2d6+4d10+14(48hp)

Init: 6

Speed: 40,fly 0,swim 0,climb 20,burrow 0

AC: 20 + No Armour + Shield, none

AC flat footed :14

AC Touch: 17

Base Attack/Grapple: 6/4

Attack: +13  Bite 1d4+2

Full attack: +13  Bite 1d4+2

Space/Reach: 5/5

Special Attacks: Disease Filth fever DC12 1d3 days 1d3 dex 1d3 con, Other Curse of Lycanthropy DC15,

Sneak attack Sneak attack at an extra (D6) 1

Special Qualities: Change shape Gain Rat, Damage reduction 10 silver, Low-light Vision , Other Rat empathy, Scent ,

Evasion Reflex save no damage instead of 1/2

Trapfinding Can find magical traps

Saves: Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +3

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 22, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 11, Chr 9

Skills: Balance 13, Climb 13, Disable Device 1, Escape Artist 8, Handle Animal -1, Heal 0, Hide 11, Intimidate 7, Jump 11, Listen 2, Open Lock 6, Ride 6, Search 1, Sleight of Hand 6, Spot 1, Swim 13, Tumble 14, Use Rope 6,

Feats: Blind-fight, Two-Weapon Fighting, Acrobat, Agile, Armour prof heavy, Armour prof light, Armour prof medium, Iron Will, Martial Weap Prof, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Finesse,

CR: 7




Name: Charlie

Wererat, Hybrid (Medium Humanoid)

Rogue level 2 (skill points 18) Acrobat

Fighter level 4 (skill points 12) Fighter/Thief

Hit die: 1d8+2d6+4d10+14(48hp)

Init: 6

Speed: 30

AC: 20 (+1 ring of protection) No Armour + Shield, none

AC flat footed :14

AC Touch: 16

Base Attack/Grapple: 6/8

Attack: +14 (+1/+1) Sword, short 1d6+5

    or  +12  Crossbow, light 1d8

Full attack: +12/7 (+1/+1) Sword, short 1d6+5

                   +11 Sword, short 1d6+3

    or  +12  Crossbow, light 1d8(range 80)

Space/Reach: 5/5

Special Attacks: Disease Filth fever DC12 1d3 days 1d3 dex 1d3 con, Other Curse of Lycanthropy DC15,

Sneak attack Sneak attack at an extra (D6) 1

Special Qualities: Change shape Gain Rat, Damage reduction 10 silver, Low-light Vision , Other Rat empathy, Scent ,

Evasion Reflex save no damage instead of 1/2

Trapfinding Can find magical traps

Saves: Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +3

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 22, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 11, Chr 9

Skills: Balance 12, Climb 8, Disable Device 1, Escape Artist 8, Handle Animal -1, Heal 0, Hide 8, Intimidate 5, Jump 7, Listen 2, Open Lock 7, Ride 6, Search 1, Sleight of Hand 6, Spot 2, Swim 13, Tumble 11, Use Rope 7,

Feats: Blind-fight, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Ability Focus, Agile, Armour prof heavy, Armour prof light, Armour prof medium, Iron Will, Martial Weap Prof, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse,

CR: 7



1st level rogues in Hybrid form



Wererat, Hybrid (Medium Humanoid)

Rogue level 1 (skill points 9) Thief

Hit die: 1d8+1d6(8hp)

Init: 4

Speed: 30

AC: 17 + No Armour + Shield, none

AC flat footed :13

AC Touch: 14

Base Attack/Grapple: 1/1

Attack: +5  Rapier 1d6

    or  +5  Crossbow, light 1d8

Full attack: +5  Rapier 1d6

    or  +5  Crossbow, light 1d8(range 80)

Space/Reach: 5/5

Special Attacks: Disease Filth fever DC12 1d3 days 1d3 dex 1d3 con, Other Curse of Lycanthropy DC15,

Sneak attack Sneak attack at an extra (D6) 1

Special Qualities: Change shape Gain Rat, Damage reduction 10 silver, Low-light Vision , Other Rat empathy, Scent ,

Trapfinding Can find magical traps

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1

Abilities: Str 10, Dex 19, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 8, Chr 11

Skills: Appraise 1, Climb 1, Disable Device 3, Gather Information 0, Handle Animal 0, Hide 8, Listen 0, Move Silently 8, Open Lock 6, Spot -1, Swim 11, Tumble 5, Use Magic Device 0, Use Rope 4,

Feats: Armour prof light, Iron Will, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse,

CR: 2



2nd level rogues in hybrid form


Wererat, Hybrid (Medium Humanoid)

Rogue level 2 (skill points 18) Thief

Hit die: 1d8+2d6(12hp)

Init: 4

Speed: 30

AC: 17 + No Armour + Shield, none

AC flat footed :13

AC Touch: 14

Base Attack/Grapple: 2/2

Attack: +6  Rapier 1d6

    or  +6  Crossbow, light 1d8

Full attack: +6  Rapier 1d6

    or  +6  Crossbow, light 1d8(range 80)

Space/Reach: 5/5

Special Attacks: Disease Filth fever DC12 1d3 days 1d3 dex 1d3 con, Other Curse of Lycanthropy DC15,

Sneak attack Sneak attack at an extra (D6) 1

Special Qualities: Change shape Gain Rat, Damage reduction 10 silver, Low-light Vision , Other Rat empathy, Scent ,

Evasion Reflex save no damage instead of 1/2

Trapfinding Can find magical traps

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1

Abilities: Str 10, Dex 19, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 8, Chr 11

Skills: Appraise 1, Climb 2, Disable Device 5, Gather Information 0, Handle Animal 0, Hide 9, Listen 0, Move Silently 9, Open Lock 7, Spot -1, Swim 11, Tumble 7, Use Magic Device 0, Use Rope 5,

Feats: Armour prof light, Iron Will, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse,

CR: 3



1st level warrior in hybrid form


Wererat, Hybrid (Medium Humanoid)

Warrior level 1 (skill points 2) Light foot soldier

Hit die: 1d8+1d8(9hp)

Init: 4

Speed: 30

AC: 17 + No Armour + Shield, none

AC flat footed :13

AC Touch: 14

Base Attack/Grapple: 2/3

Attack: +7  Rapier 1d6+1

    or  +6  Crossbow, light 1d8

Full attack: +7  Rapier 1d6+1

    or  +6  Crossbow, light 1d8(range 80)

Space/Reach: 5/5

Special Attacks: Disease Filth fever DC12 1d3 days 1d3 dex 1d3 con, Other Curse of Lycanthropy DC15,

Special Qualities: Change shape Gain Rat, Damage reduction 10 silver, Low-light Vision , Other Rat empathy, Scent ,

Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2

Abilities: Str 12, Dex 19, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 10, Chr 8

Skills: Climb 2, Handle Animal -1, Hide 6, Intimidate -1, Jump 2, Listen 0, Move Silently 4, Search 0, Spot 0, Swim 12,

Feats: Armour prof heavy, Armour prof light, Armour prof medium, Iron Will, Martial Weap Prof, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus,

CR: 2