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PHP now upgraded

The PHP is now upgraded and I’ve fixed the warning/error messages, so the woocommerce should now be working properly. If anyone gets any problems please let me know.

This does mean the free week (and a bit) is now over. If you enjoyed the membership bonuses please buy a membership. Paid membership pays for the site as Dinglesgames is Ad free.


Upgrade of PHP

I’ve upgraded PHP but now have a load of warning errors on the site. I also need to add more memory as some upgrades didn’t work (PERL).  So the site is still free to use but a bit messy until I do the fixes.

If anyone finds any errors or something that does not seem right let me know.  I’ve fixed most things but am still monitoring for errors.


1-week free trail

While the woo commerce is down and I am upgrading the site I am giving a 1 week’s free trial. There may be site downtime in this period though.

Site upgrade

I am in process of upgrading my site’s operating system, in the meantime, the shopping basket is not working. It looks as if I need to upgrade PHP to 3.7 and UNIX Debian from 9 to 10 in order to get the shopping basket back.
