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Pathfinder NPC Generator

I’ve now released the Beta version of Dingles Pathfinder NPC Generator. I still have some monsters to update (add in more skills and feats) but I reckon the generator is in a usable state. If any one has any problems let me know and I’ll get them fixed.
Let me know what you think about the Pathfinder NPC Generator…


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  1. cvick says:

    WOW that was fast thanks 🙂

  2. admin says:

    Hi Cvick,
    I’ve now added Tengu


  3. cvick says:

    Hey I was just wondering if the Tengu will be added in the next update? also this is an awsome site great work

  4. poisonbladed says:

    Thanks paul you are super.

  5. admin says:

    Hi poisonedbladed,
    I think I found the problem, It was if a domain spell did not exist the print thought that there were no more spells to print for that level.
    Should be fixed now

  6. poisonbladed says:

    yes I have tryed the recaclulating thing as that is what I thought too, but it didn’t seem to work. This typically is when dealling with higher level generated casters.

  7. admin says:

    Hi Poisonbladed,
    I would suggest using recaclulate before printing that will prob fix the problem. I will look into it though.

  8. poisonbladed says:

    The one thing I am noticing is that some times with wizards and clerics is that the spells above zero level do not carry on when you from the generated page to the printer friendly page.

  9. admin says:

    Hi Ian,
    Adding a Giant template would confuse the generator if you also increased the HD of a medium creature (with a Giant template), so that it went up a size catagory, you would then have a large large creature, which would give +8 to str and con and -4 dex.

    Also the templates at the moment can’t adjust the size of a creature.
    I’ll have to get the paper version of the advanced guide i’ts easier to work with.


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