It’s My Turn to DM
It’s come around to my turn to DM. So I’m continuing the Slautergarde Campaign I was running 6 months ago. The players have finished all the modules so now I’ve got to create some more adventures. They are 12th level now.
I’ve been using my tools (Mainly the D&D NPC Generator), I found it usefull saving all the encounters and then printing them off in one go, tweaking some of them at a later stage when I got new ideas.
I also found a couple of errors that I’ve fixed (Names not printing on the save prints, and the order of the saves were not quite right).
If you find something that does not seem quite right please let me know. I will probably find some more errors my self now that I’ve got to create my own campaign and will be using the tools in earnest.
The last DM ran a D&D 4.0 Campaign which ended in a total party kill. The funny thing about it nobody was really bothered about it, we never got attached to the characters like we did in 3.5.
I don’t know if it was the campaign or 4.0 but it just seemed we were playing a tabletop war game and lost.
So back to D&D 3.5 now…
He’s got a point about 4.0, 0% roleplaying and 100% combat but it’s got it’s pros too.
quote [The last DM ran a D&D 4.0 Campaign which ended in a total party kill. The funny thing about it nobody was really bothered about it, we never got attached to the characters like we did in 3.5.
I don’t know if it was the campaign or 4.0 but it just seemed we were playing a tabletop war game and lost.]
Its 4.0, vastly action oriented and simplified to make your characters feel less unique than ever before.
Well I’ve already found another problem. When printing stats on the saved NPC’s page. Skills after Know Eng & Arch weren’t displayed. Fixed now though